Reader Poll: Which of Corbett’s Big 3 Agenda Items Has Best Shot?

Gov. Tom Corbett

Last summer provided a serious, if nonetheless entertaining, fight over the budget and Governor Corbett’s main proposals that went all the way to the brink of the legislative recess. While a budget was passed, when the clock struck midnight Gov. Corbett was 0 for 3 on his big three agenda items; liquor privatization, pension reform, and transportation funding.

The legislature will be back in session next month and the Governor will get another chance at passing these initiatives. This fall session, however, will be the last before the start of election year 2014 and the Governor is already considered in re-election trouble. As a result, this may very well be Corbett’s last chance to pass his agenda.

So, which of Corbett’s big three agenda items do you think are most likely to pass the legislature this fall?

Reader Poll: Which of Corbett’s Big 3 Agenda Items Has Best Shot?

  • Transportation Funding (41%)
  • None (38%)
  • Liquor privatization (14%)
  • Pension reform (7%)

Total Voters: 481

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12 Responses

    z2cmrefiFr WOW, Acting Governor Brabender certainly has been paid a production fee already for his rumored ads? Would the Corbett administration please disclose the details of this rumored contract Highmark contract with acting Governor John Brabender? Is Brian Nutt his creative genius on the Highmark account? Acting Governor Brabender lives in the richest County in the nation, Loudon County, Virginia. Our acting governor doesn’t care about Pennsylvania or its employers. Isn’t it really time for Gromis-Baker to clean out her office? She does not have the independence to help her employee of record Tom Corbett run Pennsylvania for its citizens. Tom cleaning up Harrisburg starts in your own mansion!

  2. 2014 AGENDA: MAKE LOTS OF BENJAMINS FOR GOVERNOR BRABENDER-LOTS! Acting Governor John Brabender. Appeared on Hardball tonight with former Governor Rendell. Our Dark Prince was appropriately dressed in a stylish Fumo black pin-striped suit. Governor Brabender suggested that Republicans were getting too insane and only speaking to their base. But isn’t he the same Loudon County consultant that advises them on how to be insane? After driving so many GOP candidates off the cliff for large fees, this guy has nerve. So I ask again for Governor Tom Corbett, to release the details of acting Govenor John Brabender’s rumored contract with Highmark. Humbly, I also ask Governor Corbett to dismiss COS Gromis-Baker, a Brabender minion, who serves neither the interests of Pennsylvanians nor her employer of record.

  3. 2010 Post-Gazette endorsement of Tom Corbett: “….what is pivotal is the need to change the culture of Harrisburg. As it happens, Mr. Corbett already had done more on that front than perhaps anybody else in state government. His Bonusgate investigations, which netted both Republicans and Democrats, served notice on the sleazy-business-as usual crowd that such behavior can no longer be tolerated….” Dear Brabender Administration: Would you please disclose your alleged Highmark contract and its detalis that our acting Governor John Brabender has with this important area employer. Our state should not be run by an avaricious Out-of state political consultant, who has no interest in the Keystone State, its taxpayers, or the future of either.

  4. The Issues 2014:
    1) Refrain from policies that discourage Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling and production which lower energy costs, create productive jobs and raise standard of living for all;

    2) State Employee Pension Reform moving to Defined Benefit frp mew is necessary to protect State’s taxpayers and current Pensioners from even more taxes faced with ever escalating costs of funding a defined benefit regime

    Pension Reform to a Defined Benefit plan for new workers is opposed by ALL Democrats, ALL Unions, ALL Union Republicans and Incumbents benefiting from status quo defined benefit plan and health care; and,

    3) Vouchers for All are necessary to move decisions about where parents send their kids to school away from bureaucrats and to parents and to end zip code segregation.

    All Unions and All Democrats oppose these three initiatives as do Union Republicans below the radar. The Forgotten Taxpayer needs a champion against forces of Big Government and Big Government spending.

  5. When Tom Corbett was AG, one item in his stump speech was that he protected our children from on-line predators. Who is protecting us taxpayers from out-of-state political predators? Shouldn’t COS Gromis-Baker be asked to resign quickly, because this Brabender minion is too conflicted to look after the interests of PA citizens? Shouldn’t Govenor Brabender be held to the same the level of disclosures as other staff working under the DOME?

  6. 40th Anniversary of Watergate hearings and EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE

    So it’s the 4oth Anniversary of the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre. Remember Executive Privilege. This PA taxpayer thinks this concept is highly relevant today in Harrisburg. So here’s my question: does acting Governor Brabender, Loudon County resident, have executive privilege under Pennsylvania law? Did Governor Brabender have it when he may have advised AG Corbett? Does Pennsylvania law offer executive privilege for out of state political consultants who act as de-facto Governors? If Pennsylvania law accepted such privilege, would Eric Holder and the federal court system be forced to accept PA executive privilege? These questions are above my pay scale but maybe someone like Attorney Scott Paterno might be able to opine. I only know that I never voted for John Brabender for PA Governor nor his minions like Gromis-Baker or Brian Nutt. I think as a PA Voter and private PA health insurance payer, I have the right to know what Brabender’s alleged contract is with Highmark and if Brian Nutt is the creative genius account rep.

  7. @ LycoGirl

    Notwithstanding your jab, Voter-ID is not a legislative-agenda concern…for Commonwealth Court continues its deliberations….

  8. This is a problematic survey, to wit:

    Liquor privatization could morph into “modernization” over an extended time-frame in a limited fashion and, thus, may not yield a clean divestiture of government involvement in the liquor-business.

    Pension reform could morph into a limited intervention if legislators would wish to exempt themselves from being adversely affected, thereby triggering litigation that would stay implementation.

    Transportation Funding could yield a tax-hike [of gasoline], thereby violating Corbett’s campaign-pledge [remember Bush-’41?]; thus, the legislature may wish not to saddle him with this poison-pill until/unless severly modified.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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