PoliticsPA readers have spoken and out of the eight candidate field provided in last week’s poll, nearly half of readers believe that Republicans should nominate “someone else” for Governor in 2022.
With 2,831 total votes casted, 46%, or 1,319 people, selected “someone else” as the option in the eight candidate poll for Republican governor in 2022. Rep. G.T. Thompson (R-Centre) narrowly edged out Sen. Pat Toomey for the highest vote total of a specific candidate in the poll. 387 people voted for Thompson, while 360 people voted for Toomey. Both Thompson and Toomey registered at 13% each in the poll.
The race for third place of a specific candidate in the poll was also a close one. House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) received 255 votes putting him in 3rd place, while state Rep. Camera Bartolotta (R-Washington) received 246 votes. Both candidates received 9% of the vote each in the poll.
Former Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley earned 142 votes in the poll, putting him in fifth place of the candidates with 5% of the vote. Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Allegheny) finished in sixth place of the candidates with 89 votes, while Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman (R-Centre) finished in seventh place with 41 votes, followed by Bill McSwain, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, with 33 votes. Reschenthaler received 3% of the vote, while Corman and McSwain polled at 1% each.
Although state Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin) was not included in the poll, he was often mentioned in the comment section as someone who should seek the GOP nomination for Governor in 2022.
The Pennsylvania primary for governor is May 2022.
Reader Poll: Who Should Republicans Nominate for Governor in 2022?
- Someone else (46%)
- G.T. Thompson (13%)
- Pat Toomey (13%)
- Mike Turzai (9%)
- Camera Bartolotta (9%)
- Jim Cawley (5%)
- Guy Reschenthaler (3%)
- Jake Corman (1%)
- Bill McSwain (1%)
Total Voters: 2,831

23 Responses
If they had went with Mango instead of Wagner(Big Mistake) we would be talking about Mangos reelection instead. He was willing to work with both sides and was well spoken. Then good ol boots to the face Wagner blow that up. :FacePalmEmoji:
From my perspective, Mango was flawed because he didn’t support rescinding ObamaDon’tCare [if memory serves, having told me he liked the Medicaid option]; I’ve condemned it in op-eds over the years [due to the unconstitutional mandate that a private product/service be provided].
The situation is moot, however, because he’s currently Deputy Chief of Staff for HHS Policy; presumably, he’s on-board with my view that it be rescinded/replaced, now that the IRS-component has been precluded by Congress [one hopes by reversing the McCarran-Ferguson Act].
ht tps://ww w.hhs.g ov/about/leadership/paul-mango/index.h tml
I’m a moderate D and used to vote for moderate Rs. The problem is there’s no more moderates and they’ve all become far right or Trump supporters. Until Republican Party recognizes this, we are stuck with these types of candidates. Say what you want about the ads, but Biden is not far left. We need moderates in both parties or our system will continue to be gridlocked and hyper partisan.
I hate auto correct. I typed Ds and it changed to ads lol
Biden has been portrayed as a moderate, but he’s adopted the far-left philosophy…
Biden: Coronavirus an ‘Incredible Opportunity’ to ‘Fundamentally Transform’ America
ht tps://www.breitbart.c om/politics/2020/05/04/joe-biden-coronavirus-an-incredible-opportunity-to-fundamentally-transform-america/?fbclid=IwAR3jmcilK6cD4Nh4BZV6sQUlQSOqK8G-_-kiuvsqaYOq6VwlW49wnpL_TSQ
…and his hypocrisy abounds…
Biden Voted to Block Creation of Senate Office That Handles Sexual Harassment Complaints
htt ps://freebeacon.co m/2020-election/biden-voted-against-creation-of-senate-office-that-handles-sexual-harassment-complaints/
… and you are advocating election of a seemingly demented POTUS…
Biden Loses Track of What He’s Saying During Town Hall, But He Tells Us About the ‘Incredible Opportunity’ of the Pandemic
ht tps://www.reds tate.com/nick-arama/2020/05/04/biden-loses-track-of-what-hes-saying-during-town-hall-but-he-tells-us-about-the-incredible-opportunity-of-the-pandemic/?utm_source=rsafternoonbriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=8017fa59275b00c6c86c9ec95d9e69b4
… until/unless SANE Dems supplant him.
Inane/uninformed comments herein are born of Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than intent to remain on-topic; this is too typical of what is manifest when reading the output of the chatting-elitist class.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL, but the term is misapplied. TDS is actually afflicting those people who believe I’d is ok to let a sick, depraved, pathological liar sit in the Oval Office. The man can’t handle the job. When he should have been reading his daily briefings that were warning him about what was happening in China, he was too busy tweeting, watching Fox and Friends, golfing and planning his next Trump Orgy Rally so he could have his ego orgasm.
… not!
Seth Grove- unless the Corona virus kneecaps his obese body.
Does that include Stack?
GOP should bring back the Honorable Tim Murphy. Just need to keep him from the Viagra and he will be fine.
Jim Cawley finished way too low in this poll. I think people are forgetting his likability and electability. He has popular, conservative policy prescriptions and gave some semblance of steadiness to a tumultuous Corbett administration. While I doubt he actually runs, he is by far the best equipped candidate.
GOP should just disband, as they are bankrupt of reasonable governing policies or ideologies. Hard right and hateful is a losing strategy.
That list needs some estrogen. If we’ve learned nothing from GOP PA statewide races for judge etc, we’ve learned women fair better than men at winning.
Who ya gonna run? Skinimax birthday suit Bartolotta? There arent any electable Males beyond Jim Cawley, let alone a female who is looking to get into this race…
Or…Politics PA could just back off and let Republicans decide…Or is that too much to expect?
Here is my prediction. G.T. has no interest in running for statewide office. He is well suited for the district he serves in. Toomey is going to run because he is a term limits guy. He limited himself as US Rep and he is going to do the same as US Senator. What is kind of ironic with Toomey though is while he touts term limits, he believes it for specific offices, but has no problem staying in politics running for different offices. And when he is out of political office, he is fine being a political lobbyist as he was for several years before his election to the Senate. As for Mastriano – he is a clone of Scott Wagner. He doesn’t like Harrisburg and, more specifically, Washington bureaucracy, so he wants to be a contrarian to abruptly change the way government works. Remember, his original plan was to run for Congress but then he defaulted back to PA Senate.
But hey, fun poll this far out and I’m sure G.T. Thompson is scratching his head at these results.
what about brian fitzpatrick to run for toomey seat would work out.
Reschenthaler would be a good Lt.Gov candidate. Young veteran who has potential to be Gov someday! I’d like to see Bartos run if Toomey stays in the Senate.
Guy used to be a reasonable Republican who did and said some independent things when he was a state Senator. Today, he follows Trump and his philosophy of failure blindly. It’s really frustrating to watch.
The GOP policies are becoming less and less popular in PA.
The Republican Party has pushed away solid candidates on the style of former Gov Ridge and went hard right. It’s harder to get good candidates with the Party taking a hard right turn and even wanting county commissioners to open up regions concerning the virus reopening instead of the Gov. (as per the Senate bill that was not successful).