Seth Williams’ re-election in 2017 was once considered a slam dunk.
That was before the controversy over Frank Fina, the $160,050 in undisclosed gifts, the FBI investigation of his charity and the revelation that his girlfriend slashed his tires.
All of a sudden, the May Democratic primary seems a very attractive opportunity to PA politicos.
2009 GOP nominee Michael Untermeyer has become a Democrat and apparently already has a poll in the field.
Former City of Philadelphia Managing Director Rich Negrin, and former Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Renee Hughes were mentioned as possible opponents by David Gambacorta of Philadelphia Magazine.
Ryan Briggs of City & State added U.S. Attorney Joe Khan and Judges Leon Tucker and Paula Patrick as potential candidates.
We’ve also added Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Dan McCaffery and former City Solicitor Ken Trujillo to the list.
So dear readers, who do you believe will emerge as the Democratic nominee?
Who Do You Believe Will Win the Philadelphia DA Democratic Primary?
- Joe Khan (25%)
- Rich Negrin (23%)
- Seth Williams (14%)
- Ken Trujillo (13%)
- Dan McCaffery (10%)
- Renee Hughes (7%)
- Other (3%)
- Michael Untermeyer (2%)
- Leon Tucker (2%)
Total Voters: 1,058

26 Responses
I believe Rich Negrin will win. I visited all the candidates websites. And he’s the only one I see talking about making the DA office more community base.
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O – are you suggesting someone bought a grand jury? Who are they looking at, besides Rufus? Inside or outside the office?
Seth looks like Spanish Bull. Well maintained torso-front and rear exhibiting the gift money and other hush money . Dont know why FBI has not come with bangels yet? God bless Phily if he is not locked up 15 winters. The people want fresh young bood with clean Record disgust at corruption whuch has eaten away the City. It is looking like backyard of NYC. Joe khan has the stuff and track record to clean the corruption. But his handicap will be finding money. Neverthless Iwill vote for that young Attorney if id in tge run.
Here’s the problem with the pseudo expert insider analysis. Khan and Negrin may both be qualified. But to win that primary, you need a resume, the ability to raise money and political support from ward leaders and elected officials. Khan and Negrin are 1 for 3. Khan has no political support. NEgrin is a darling of the political elites and is an easy appointment but getting elected is another issue. He has no connections to ward leaders and will get all of Nutters enemies and few of his friends. Finally because of the contribution limits, either must announce shortly that they are running so they can raise $$ in this election year. Seth and McCaffery split 75,000 of the 100,000 votes cast in ’09 because they split the political support. Those are facts folks. NEgrin better announce soon or his window is shut.
Obvious. Too much.
You have a lot to learn about being a shill, Luke. There are many light-weights who have worked on corruption cases. What big corruption trial did Joe Kann 1st chair? I must have missed it …..
Seth Williams is a thief and a con-man. That doesn’t mean that the next guy/gal needs to be a lightweight like this John Kann.
Maybe you should spend lees time shilling and more time figuring out how John can possibly beat Rich Negrin (also a former prosecutor who was Managing Director of this great City, and served on the Ethics Board). Good luck with that. The truth is that This Kann guy wouldn’t be able to beat Even Seth in the Primary.
If you are not a shill and want Seth out, call Negrin and see if you can volunteer on his campaign (assuming he decides to run).
BTW – are you hanging at the Apple Store voting for Kann? LOL
Ha. Having something positive to say in Philly must mean I’m his brother. The City & State article said he prosecuted corruption cases, and google found this:
Seems pretty good to me for a guy who is trying to clean up corruption to do the same for the DA’s office.
His LinkedIn also says he’s from Philly and teaches at Penn and Temple. Not sure what’s lightweight about that compared to any of the other candidates. Unless you think Seth is doing a great job.
Hockney – is Joe your brother? Cousin? Or are you a paid shill? That gut wasn’t much of a DA and has done nothing in USAO. He’s a lightweight.
Based on my research on the potential candidates, I agree with what some have said above that I don’t think judges will actually come off the bench to get Seth out. But take a look at Joe Khan. Former ADA, current US Attorney, and a history of public corruption prosecutions. Could be just what voters tired of people like Seth are looking for.
Here is some more history on D.A. Seth Williams:
The guy who covered up a crime for a girlfriend who gave him a Rolex.
A guy that hired an unqualified hack (who happened to be his lawyer’s wife) as “Chief of Staff.”
The guy who criminally prosecutes a traffic court judge for taking a bracelet as a gift while he accepts $160,000.00 in gifts.
The guy who’s Twitter feed once included photos from Big Booty Latina and Big Booty Ebony.
The guy who hires and promotes women he has slept with.
The guy who spent campaign funds on membership dues at The Union League and The Sporting Club at The Bellvue.
The guy who turned his back on the victim of a violent crime because one of the perpetrators gave him lots of $$$.
The guy who lives with his Mommy.
The guy who demoted a top Deputy and hard-working prosecutor because she suggested that the Office not have racist, pervert prosecutors on staff.
The guy that had a Harrisburg bartender and Corbett Republicans running his PAC and campaign for re-election
The guy who gets field-passes for NFL games and then refuses to prosecute NFL players who sucker-punch off-duty officers.
The guy whose family lives in the suburbs in an illegally paid-for house with the wife that he cheated on repeatedly.
The guy who just had his hallmark case over-turned by the Supreme Court.
The guy that brought in a washed up drug lawyer/tax dead-beat to run the DA’s Office.
And that is all BEFORE WE EVEN TALK ABOUT Frank Fina, Marc Costanzo, and Harry Levant. I hope Seth’s ex-wife and security detail have hired good attorneys. And I hope the husband/wife Levant/Martin duo go to federal prison with Seh.
Negrin will be the winner in May D.A. Primary. Seth Williams may be in handcuffs by then. Feds looking at others (beyond Seth Williams). Mis-use of Grand Juries a big issue.
The O knows.
The chances are very, very good that every Democrat on this list will get arrested for some form of corruption before the election.
Hey Nunzio – GET A CLUE. Rich Negrin was an ADA in Philadelphia and then served as Deputy Mayor and Managing Director.
Agree with Jax that the Judges that just got on the Bench may not be interedted in the job (assuming Seth gets indicted and needs to be replaced temporarily). Especially since they would have to run in the Primary against Negrin in a few months and risk having neither job.
Jax is wrong about Negrin’s wife. She is not a Deputy and could not be retaliated against by Seth Williams or any of the scum-bags he has recently – and corruptly – installed.
Negrin will the Primary in May – whether it is against Seth Williams or an open field that includes a Judge picked to replace an indicted Williams. Negrin has the experience ,the connections and the ethics.
Mccaffery and tucker are both Judges. No way they come off the bench to take Seth out. Trujillo always floats his name and never runs for office. Negrin’s wife is one of Seths deputies so he sits this out unless he wants her unemployed. And who the hell is Joe Khan? Unless Seth gets indicted before the primary,Brady will make sure he gets re-elected. He likes the ethically challenged, politically ambitious so he can control them.
McCaffery has the name, experience and has run for DA, Attorney General and common pleas judge. He has lots of ward support and friends in the lack clergy. The others have no experience in Philly politics.
For Seth Williams needs to go seriously.
Has Seth Williams been indicted by the Feds yet?
Does this mean I should start looking for a new job? Seriously ……
Maybe I better go talk to FBI!?! OMG ………..
Wow … Rich Negrin already crushing Seth Williams …. and the truth has not even come out about the Harry Levant case.
Harry Levant is a lawyer. He stole over $1,000,000.00 from clients and insurance companies. But yet he did not do a day in jail. And he has not paid back his victims.
How can that be?
Well – Harry Levant’s Sister-in-Law is Seth’s new Chief of Staff at the DA’s Office. For some reason, the DA’s Office did not report the conflict. And, for some reason the Units that would normally handle a case of that nature did not handle Harry Levant’s case.
Guess who did?
Remember Fina and Costanzo?? They are the Porngate prosecutors that Seth hired and refused to fire even after it was revealed that they are racist perverts
Well – Fina and Costanzo are suing the State for $$$. One of their lawyers is Bob Levant – Harry’s brother and the husband of Seth’s new Chief of Staff
Turns out – their Unit handled Harry Levant’s case!! Yep – they decided it was OK to hook up their lawyer’s brother.
Normally – a case like this would have come with a Press Release and maybe a Press Conference. I mean – a lawyer who ran for judge stole a shot-ton of money. But it was nothing but //CRICKETS// from Seth’s Office.
Wonder why. lol.
Bob and Kathy better have good lawyers. They may be sitting next to Seth in Federal Court.
Trying to decide which is worse – this or the tire-slashing scandal. Tough one …..Both are huge scandals. Both prove he is mis-using his Office.
All indications are that Philadelphia is sick and tired of the antics of Seth Williams.
They spend as much time reading about his deeply ethically challenged behavior as his high profile convictions. One has over taken the other.
Unbecoming of a DA. He must go.
Insiders are looking for a new candidate with a high gravitas/low shenanigans ratio.
Kudos!! Great job ignoring the troll (using Ha3’s name below) recently.
Cue the “Brett Cott” nonsense in 3 …. 2 …. 1 …..
I voted “other” because I expect Frank Little of Pittsburgh to win the write-in vote.
If none of these people besides Williams is running yet, this is little more than a push poll. Can’t you just wait till after November at least?
This list presupposes that Seth will be available to run instead of in cuffs.
Good point, you can’t beat somebody with nobody. If he’s so vulnerable, where are all the candidates? Time for someone to jump in with both feet!
Are any of these people actually running?