Reader Poll: Will the State Pass its Budget On Time?

The legislature and Gov. Corbett have until the end of this week to pass a budget if they want to make deadline.

With the June 30 deadline looming, and Gov. Corbett having promised state Republicans an on-time budget at their committee meeting over the weekend, the pressure is on for the GOP-controlled legislature to pass a budget for the Governor to sign before the week is up.

The FY 2012 budget passed last year June 29, an accomplishment which the Corbett administration has touted as being the product of Republican fiscal responsibility and leadership. Corbett has also pledged to prevent a tax hike for the second year running.

Keeping that in mind, and the fact that the Democrats have been blocked from participating in the debate, it seems likely that the FY 2013 budget is likely to pass and be ready for Corbett’s John Hancock.

Then again, it is the nature of politics to throw a wrench into the best-laid plans.

Many of you weighed in on last week’s poll and the results were clear: most of you believe the Supreme Court is going to reject Obamacare’s individual mandate.

By Friday we should know the outcome on both issues, but before the politicians and justices tell us, why don’t you tell us what you think, readers?

Will the State Pass its Budget On Time?

  • Yes. (71%)
  • No. (29%)

Total Voters: 209

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5 Responses

  1. Yes it will pass on time. and if your a citizen of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania you will feel the sting…unless your an oil exec

  2. Who cares? It’s what’s in the budget that matters. Not one voter will choose a political candidate based on whether the budget’s on time.

  3. Liquor store privatization won’t happen as long as this administration is in office. Toomuch of the good ol boys club going on. If they get rid of state stores, their buddies on the liquor control board may be out of their jobs

    Same as their catering to their wealthy contributors and the Marcellus shale industry. Who needs morals when you can get your palms full of green?

    With this administration GOP means Greediest Of Parties.

  4. It will pass on time, because the Gov. agreed to spend a half billion more than was fiscally responsible. And we still don’t have liquor privatization. Who needs Democrats with the sorry group of Republicans running the General Assembly?

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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