Tom Corbett has made it clear that he will run for re-election despite whispers that the party was looking for someone else given his low poll numbers. Nevertheless, we thought it would be fun to ask you the readers who the GOP should nominate if Corbett were to unexpectedly drop out of the race.
The clear winner was Rep. Jim Gerlach who received 191 votes, or 30% of the total. His congressional colleague Rep. Pat Meehan finished second with 138 readers choosing him.
State Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi came in third with 122 respondents backing him as the hypothetical nominee. Perhaps the most disappointing showing came for Lt. Governor Jim Cawley, the man who should be the most natural successor to Tom Corbett, who came in fourth with 108 votes.
Finally Rep. Mike Kelly, the only choice from Western PA, came in last with only 81 votes.
The full results are posted below:
If Corbett doesn't run, who should GOP nominate for Governor?
- Jim Gerlach (30%)
- Pat Meehan (22%)
- Dominic Pileggi (19%)
- Jim Cawley (17%)
- Mike Kelly (13%)
Total Voters: 640

7 Responses
As a conservative democratic I hope they don’t run anyone else.
Breaking news: Shouldn’t COS GROMIS-Baker, Acting Governor John Brabender and Cyber Charter School Imbed Charly Zogby be departed back to Virginia’s Loudon County to work on the Corbett Library? http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/20131031_GOP_voters_split_on_whether_Corbett_should_run_for_reelection_or_drop_out_of_the_race.html#B4X1uGgG0ebGFDFb.03
Here’s a little more information to support the Charly Zogby nomination: http://www.phillymag.com/news/2011/12/14/school-choice-bad-choice/#.UnHAoxVRK84.email
Forget about a new PAGOP Gubernatorial Candidate. I nominate Charles Zogby to get the Grand Medallion for the PA Society. I understand Charly still owns K-12 Stock. Could this be true? It’s ok because he doesn’t have anything to do with educational policy. I understand that Charly Zogby is much smarter and more arrogant than your average PA legislator or member of the Harrisburg Press Corps. Yeah: He deserves this award because there is no more interested in the kids of PA than Charly Zogby,
Give it up “Guest”. You can’t stand that Gerlach makes his own choices and his own decisions and actually thinks about the votes that he takes and if they make sense for his district. You just don’t like the fact that he doesn’t agree with your opinions all the time…whatever they may be ;)!!!!!
Gerlach runs away from any principled positions (liberal, democrat, righteous – he just doesn’t have positions) He is a chameleon or jello – he pretends to be whatever you want him to be. He has spent so much time running away he got confused and tried to run away from himself. He ended up inside out!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Give it a rest! NO CHANCE Corbett doesn’t run. Asher and Gleason and the likes of Fred Anton etc will NEVER admit to their mistake. And Asher would rather lose than win with a guy he doesn’t completely own.