Ridge Breaks with Corbett on the Severance Tax
Another Republican Rejects Corbett’s Plan to Reward Top Donors
Harrisburg, PA – Yesterday, former Republican Governor Tom Ridge joined the line of Republicans rejecting Tom Corbett’s plan to reward his top donors.
“With Gov. Tom Ridge’s recent statement, yet another Republican is rejecting Tom Corbett’s plan to reward his top donors. It’s becoming more an more clear that Tom Corbett is wrong and far out of the mainstream,” said Mark Nicastre a spokesman with the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Corbett’s plan to let his top donors off the hook for the environmental damage they cause will hurt Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvanians will reject Corbett’s plan on Election Day.”
Ridge expects a Marcellus shale tax. Former Gov. Tom Ridge said Wednesday that Republican gubernatorial nominee Tom Corbett could sign a new tax on natural gas drillers without breaking his much publicized pledge not to raise taxes if elected. In an interview before a Wednesday night speech at DeSales University, Ridge, now an “adviser” to a drilling industry pressure group known as the Marcellus Shale Coalition, said he believes Pennsylvanians would accept Corbett breaking his pledge on a shale tax because they’d feel no personal impact and would be getting something in return for it. [Morning Call, 10/27/10]
Gingrich: PA Should Have “Appropriate” Tax On Marcellus Shale. “And I would say, within that framework, you ought to have an appropriate tax of some kind because we’ve always had some level of energy tax. But it ought to be designed to maximize the rate of development, not to discourage it.” [Capitol Ideas (Morning Call Blog), 10/26/10]
Corbett leads everyone in gas-industry donations. “The front-running candidate for governor, Tom Corbett, a leading opponent of taxes on Pennsylvania’s emerging shale-gas industry, has accepted more than $700,000 in campaign donations from that industry, more than all other Pennsylvania candidates combined.” [Philadelphia Daily News, 10/19/10]
Corbett: Bought and paid for? “Voters looking for change in Harrisburg should not vote for Tom Corbett for governor. That would be placing, in the top executive office in the commonwealth, someone who has sold his soul to the gas drilling companies. The $835,720 in drillers’ contributions to Corbett’s campaign indicate a candidate who is part of the problem, not the solution. In the infancy of a natural gas boom here, Corbett, currently Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, loudly opposes a gas severance tax.” [Pocono Record, 10/26/10]
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