Rohrer Wins York 9-12er Straw Poll

By Keegan Gibson, Managing Editor

Former State Rep. Sam Rohrer must have been in his element last night at a U.S. Senate forum hosted by the York 9-12 Patriots, a Tea Party organization. He finished head and shoulders above his opponents in a straw poll of the U.S. Senate race.

The 2010 gubernatorial candidate has a strong network of grassroots supporters, and is generally very highly regarded by Pa. Tea Party organizations.

PoliticsPA was not present for the event, but the group released the results of its straw poll on its facebook profile. The top five finishers attended the forum.

Sam Rohrer: 75
Marc Scaringi: 30
Tom Smith: 25
Steve Welch: 25
Joe Vodvarka (D): 4
John Kensinger: 2
Tim Burns: 1

Rohrer campaign manager (and Rick Santorum Nevada leadership team consultant) Zac Moyle issued this statement on the win:

“Sam Rohrer is the clear conservative choice of the Pennsylvania grassroots, and he showed that tonight. Sam Rohrer is the proven conservative who will go to Washington and fight to roll back ObamaCare and dismantle the Obama Agenda. We are very grateful for the support of the York 912 Patriots and Tea Party activists throughout the state.”

Like everything in life, the poll should be taken with a grain of salt. In the primary for U.S. Congress, police sergeant Ted Waga (who attended the forum) is challenging popular incumbent Todd Platts (who York 9-12 Patriots leaders have said is complicit in the communist agenda, and did not attend).

Waga ran away with it, garnering 139 straw poll votes to Platts’ 12.

Check out the York Daily Record’s report for more information about the event and what the candidates said.

7 Responses

  1. Oh Please, do your fact checking first. Sam did NOT accept the pay raise that Corbett did. Unfortuantely bills can not be passed without having to vote on one thing at a time. It’s high time they start voting on one agenda at a time instead of trying to make everyone look bad when they have convictions such as Rohrer. He’s an honorable man who stands by what he says! One day he will make a GREAT president!

  2. Guzzardi just can’t help himself.

    Nothing bad to say about Sam Rohrer? How about the pay raise, how about the pension increase vote

    Susan Staub’s support shocks me too. These people rightly attacked members of the general assembly who supported those dastardly bills. But turn a blind eye to Sam Rohrer? Please.

    Hypocrisy is thy name.

    Paconservative is right. Smith is an embarassment when he speaks. I see that they strung together 2 or 3 complete sentences he was able to string together for their new ad. But I’ve seen him talk 2 times now and he is painful to listen to….

    welch has the party switch thing but he did it in his 20s. I’m willing to look beyond that…still irks me a bit though.

    Burns couldn’t win a congressional seat and isn’t an impressive force either.

    Of them all I’ll probably support welch because at least he’s from the SE, can put some resources into a race and can speak well.

  3. We need people like Rohrer in office. It is a shame that people think money has to determine who works for us in Government and not actually what the person stands for. Just because someone is independently wealthy doesn’t mean they are the best person for the job. If you like a candidate, get to work for them and raise awareness about them.

  4. Bob, have you seen Tom at any of these debates, though? He is not strong on the issues and comes across as an exceedingly angry tea partier who cannot win statewide in PA. He may have the deep pockets to run…but so did Ross Perot, who got us 8 years of Bill Clinton. Pennsylvania cannot afford a candidate like Tom Smith against Bob Casey. It will be Christine O’Donnell all over again. If Smith is our candidate, we will have 6 more years of Casey, and Barack Obama will win PA, and win re-election.

  5. Sam Rohrer is a very good man who will hold to his principles. I support Tom Smith, however, because he has the financial resources to run a primary against the endorsement.

    The grassroots are very important. Unfortunately, the grassroots activists don’t write checks.

    There is nothing negative to say about Sam, in my view, and, to the best of my ability, the Republican contest will be focused on the record. All the Republicans are excellent and we, the Republican Voter, have the honor of choosing among some very fine and knowledgeable people.

    Sen. Bob “98%” Casey is a super nice guy and maybe the nicest guy in Pennsylvania. It is his record that is driving us into the European Iceberg of fiscal disaster. Like most Democrats, Sen. Casey cannot be trusted with money.

    Democrats do not seem to know where money comes from. Answer for Democrats reading this. Money comes from people who work, save and invest and from profitable businesses that produce goods and provide services that are affordable. More taxes mean less affordability. Profits pay people. Democrats seem not to be able to grasp these common sense observations because they are blinded by ideology.

    Barack Obama is set to put the national debt at $16.4 trillion well above the national GDP. This is the first time this has happened since our country was at war in WWII. The dollar is being debased with every quantitative easing.

    Tom Smith, Steve Welch, Tim Burns all have real world experience and success in creating jobs and can get Pennsylvania and the country working again.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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