Roll Call: Perry Listed as 10th Most Vulnerable House Incumbent

Scott Perry

With just under one year until the 2020 election, this ratings outlets places Rep. Scott Perry (R-York) on their most vulnerable incumbent list. 

On Monday, Roll Call placed the Republican representing Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District as the 10th most vulnerable House incumbent seeking reelection in 2020. He is the lone Pennsylvania Congressman on the top ten list released this week. 

The article cites the his district being redrawn, placing the conservative Republican in the House Freedom Caucus in a less GOP friendly seat, and narrowly winning reelection last year. 

The fourth term Congressman edged out Democrat George Scott by just over 2.5 points in 2018 in the newly drawn district with boundaries that voted for President Donald Trump by 10 points in 2016. Perry’s latest bid was his closest victory since being voted into Congress in 2012 in the old conservative 4th District. 

The article also details a potential matchup for the seat against Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, who they describe as a “top Democratic recruit,” who narrowly won the district during his reelection bid for auditor in 2016, plus outraising Perry in the most recent quarter, although Perry holds a cash on hand advantage. 

Despite Perry and DePasquale being mentioned in the article, there are two other candidates that are seeking the seat as well. 

For the first time since winning a seat in Congress, Perry is facing a primary challenger in Bobby Jeffries, a millenial logistics director for a health and wellness firm, who accuses Perry of being insufficiently “Pro-Trump.” On the Democratic side, two candidates have officially filed with the FEC thus far. DePasquale and attorney and author Tom Brier, have announced bids to challenge Perry. 

Inside Elections Nathan Gonzalez’s most recent House ratings released on September 30 places the race as “Tilt Republican.” 

Although he didn’t make the top ten, the article also references Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks), since he is one of two Republicans in the House running for reelection in districts that sided with Sec. Hillary Clinton in 2016. Fitzpatrick didn’t make their top 10 list of most vulnerable incumbents because he does not have a “clear challenger yet,” and credited him and Rep. John Katko (R-NY), who also won a Clinton carried district, as “surviving in difficult environments before.” 

The complete Roll Call article can be found here.

6 Responses

  1. Heard Tabas lost his nerve and is bringing back Jerry Morgan, probably to try to save Perry. Does the guy even have any juice beyond mob connections?

  2. Lots of wishful thinking here by democrats and hyperbole about non-existent crimes being committed by POTUS. Perry will win in 2020 despite the democrats well designed scheme to gerrymander districts using a partisan state Supreme Court to do it for them (why won’t they reveal who drew up that new CD map I wonder?).

  3. Perry is going to lose re-election because he is a Freedom Caucus coward who doesn’t have a backbone. Trump commits crime after crime and Perry defends him.

  4. The problem is that there will be no relief with the congressional district designs this go around. Republican State Senate and State House don’t have the upper hand and cannot push their congressional pretzel district designs. So, it’s hard to see anything even resembling the unjust previously designed congressional districts making a comeback anytime soon. Still, it is disappointing to see how nothing was done to set up a commission to design voting districts and even with the recent so-called “reform” to voting that just passed not a word was done for redistricting.

  5. Perry is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee who has repeatedly denied that he has heard anything in the Impeachment inquiry that would lead to him voting for impeachment. He is an acolyte of Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and Lindsay Graham, who has no conscience. Go Eugene’s!

    1. So, he is right. You impeachment nuts will suffer the same fate as Hillary and the Russia Hoax. How does it feel to be counted among the losers.

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