Romney Sings Backup in New Obama Attack Ad (Watch Video)

The Obama campaign released a brutal campaign ad Saturday, laying into Mitt Romney’s tax and business records. The ad, “Firms,” is airing in nine states including Pennsylvania.

And the voice-over for this ad is unusual, in that it features a popular public figure singing an iconic song. The singer is Mitt Romney. The song is “America the Beautiful.”

The intention to use Romney’s pipes was not to have him nominated for a Grammy, but, rather, to place his patriotism in stark contrast with his actions. Visuals accompanying the song show news clips detailing his outsourcing record as well as his offshore bank accounts.

“In business, Mitt Romney’s firms shipped jobs to Mexico. And China. As Governor, Romney outsourced jobs to India. He had millions in a Swiss bank account. Tax havens like Bermuda…And the Cayman Islands.”

A new Obama ad highlights Romney's offshore accounts and business dealings.

This ad falls one day after the Romney campaign demanded an apology from the President for false attacks on Mitt Romney. According to, an apology may well be in order.

“None of the SEC filings show that Romney was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time as both Romney and Bain have long said,” says the website’s report, filed by Brooks Jaskson.

Romney spokesperson Kate Meriwether said that Obama has not only insulted Romney, but the rest of America as well.

“Every day, President Obama hits a new low. It is sad and shameful that President Obama would mock ‘America The Beautiful.’ But sadly it’s not surprising for the man who launched his presidency with an apology tour. The ‘Uncle Jims’ of our country – as he condescendingly calls middle-class Americans – don’t believe in mocking ‘America The Beautiful’ and don’t believe in apologizing for America.”

In a recent ad released by the Romney campaign, it is obvious that they are not going to roll over to Obama’s attacks.

In fact, this ad could be the spark that ignites a barrage of new negative ads from both sides. Especially given the last line of the ad – a line that says with certainty Romney would only make things worse if elected.

“Mitt Romney’s not the solution. He’s the problem.”

9 Responses

  1. Wow, to attack a candidate, and America all in the same ad. Obama, is hitting an all time low.

  2. I just turn it off every time it comes on, this ad pushed me over the edge. The president lost the last shred of respect I harbored for him. Vicious and low.

  3. There have been many low points, but the Horton ad was at least true in the particulars, and was based on a decision made in an offical capacity. This ad is built on nothing but innuendo, less than half-truths, and is personal. A veteran of countless campaigns, ads don’t usually make me cringe – but this one exposes the Obama campaign so starkly as bereft of character that I can’t help it.

  4. Wow, you guys aren’t any better versed in tax code than Obama. Romney has to pay on his income regardless of its location in the world. Got that? Still must pay US income taxes. Obama does not care if every single thing he says between now and November is a lie. Whatever it takes to win.

  5. Romney the truth hurts. Thats just UN-American to avoid paying you taxes in American. He can’t even sing.

  6. New low in presidential politics? Ever see the Daisy ad? How about Willie Horton? Wow this ad STINGS.

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