Rothfus 1st Television Ad Touts Medicare Support

His first “post”.

Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-Allegheny) has released his first television ad of the general election cycle focusing on protecting Social Security and Medicare.

The 30 second television ad titled, “Post” shows Rothfus’s mother, Alice typing up a Facebook post thanking the incumbent GOP representative for following through on a promise of protecting Medicare and Social Security, while he’s sitting next to her.

“You restored the right of seniors to switch Medicare plans,” Alice states. “And when some in your party wanted to change Social Security for people receiving benefits like me, you wouldn’t do it. I am pleasantly surprised how you turned out.”

In a press release, Rothfus emphasized following campaign promises by protecting these entitlements through bipartisan fashion as well.  

I have opposed efforts to reduce the cost of living adjustment for Social Security,” Rothfus said in a statement. “My bipartisan bill to restore the right of seniors to switch Medicare Advantage plans after the start of the plan year is now law, restoring a right the Affordable Care Act took away. As long as I am in Congress, I will fight for what is right for our seniors.”

The press release also tried to draw a line between Rothfus and Democratic opponent Rep. Conor Lamb (D-Allegheny) on this issue.  

“Conor Lamb’s policies of higher taxes and more regulation would send the economy into reverse, threatening the creation of new jobs that are so vital to the sustaining of Social Security and Medicare,” Campaign spokesman Mike Barley added. “Congressman Rothfus continues to advocate policies to grow the economy and add jobs, which will increase revenues flowing to these programs.”

This ad comes out just a week after Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball moved the race for PA-17 from “Toss Up” to “Leans Democratic”.  

The Lamb campaign did not immediately respond for comment.

13 Responses

  1. Keith really had a chance to shine this year but somewhere he lost his way. Keith voted to kick citizens off their medical care, he accepted a tax reform bill that didn’t balance the budget, he also refuses to hold town hall meetings for major issues.

    We are better off with anyone else.

  2. The entire Republican Team has been pitching changes to Social Security and Medicare for years and comes election time certain of them start to pretend it isn’t their plan!

    I remember when they started this by telling us several years ago that they would save it for people over 55 but would reduce it for the next generations by changing its structure.

    I saw that as an attempt to separate me from the future needs of my own children and grandchildren.

    They didn’t like it when it was put in by Roosevelt and they still don’t want it now. Their idea of America is corporatism without any regard to those who do the work being able to survive beyond their usefulness to the corporate structures.

    I guess they believe it is only about business!

    This is contrary to a nation built for the needs of the people as a whole.

  3. Oh joy, the height of teapartydom, Rofus the doofus, is running ads saying he is in favor of entitlements. Hopefully, he’ll go the way of Saccone.

  4. he is a high-quality person who took a photo with me and Krauthammer W a PA leadership conference, years ago; have followed him ever since and have confirmed he’s honestly conveying his platform, such as in this ad program

  5. I saw the add playing out here in the Pittsburgh market. His add is right about one thing…his mom is his absolute last supporter.

    It’s a joke just like him.

  6. So now teabagger Rothfus is saving Social Security and Medicare. Have these crooked buffoons no shame. Rothfus and the Republicans gave away the necessary revenues to save Social Security in unneeded tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. You people are crashing the US Government.

      1. Sorry to tell you, libertywhatever, but the Social Security Trust Fund is indeed my bank account.

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