Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-Allegheny) proposed an amendment that would push for greater transparency when government regulations lead to the loss of jobs in certain sectors.
Teamed up with Kentucky Congressman Andy Barr, the amendment would be added to the standing H.R. 2804, the Achieving Less Excess in Regulation and Requiring Transparency Act.
The amendment would require any federal agency head involved in establishing regulations that lead to job loss or wage cuts to certify that they were responsible for the negative results brought on by the regulations.
Moreover, if those same regulations lead to a decrease in “employment or wages by one percent or more in an industry,” the incident will be reviewed with more scrutiny and additional “transparency requirements” will be implemented, according to Rothfus. Regulation cuts to any industry identified by the Current Population Survey of Bureau of Labor Statistics as having a 5% unemployment or more will follow the same requirements.
Speaking on the floor of the House of Representative, Congressman Rothfus said that his amendment “will help promote the economic growth we so desperately need to get our economy booming again and add jobs.”
In addition, Rothfus believes that lawmakers need to take responsibility for the effects of their regulations.
“The principle is simple – if federal bureaucrats are going to implement rules that take wages or jobs from Americans, they should take responsibility for their decisions.” Rothfus added: “It is important that Washington bureaucrats think through the impacts, the costs, and the burdens that red tape imposes on American families and communities.”
At its core, the proposed amendment hopes to showcase the disastrous effects that regulations have on working-class families.
“Bureaucratic elites are regulating solid, good-paying jobs right out of existence,” Rothfus said. “At a time when wages are stagnant for many American workers and when we so desperately need to grow the economy and add jobs, this is unbelievable!”
Rothfus brings up both Pennsylvania’s and Kentucky’s shrinking coal industry, and the uncertainty that many workers face regarding job security and pay consistency.
In the hopes of uniting his “colleagues on both sides of the aisle,” Rothfus said, “Every lost job means one less person helping with the taxes needed to support Social Security, Medicare, and other critical programs for veterans, health care, education, and national defense.”
The amendment will be considered at some point today in the House.
2 Responses
Here he goes again. Just ask the middle class men and women who retired right before the fiscal debacle of 2008 and saw their nest eggs destroyed because of the LACK of regulation in the financial industry. Oh yes, ask the residents of Charleston, West Virginia about their water supply that was tainted because of a lack of stronger regulations that would have stopped it from happening. The Rothfus approach to government is all about ideology not reality. He is a mistake and unfit to serve.
I think you meant Andy Barr.