Pennsylvania’s incumbents are can rest a bit easier according to the new Sabato Crystal Ball ratings. Sabato rated five Pennsylvania seats with all avoiding the dreaded toss up category.
Sabato rated Congressmen Ryan Costello (R-Chester), Pat Meehan (R-Delaware), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks), Lloyd Smucker (R-Lancaster), and Matt Cartwright (D-Luzerne).
All of the Congressmen except Fitzpatrick were rated as likely to remain in the hands of the incumbent. Fitzpatrick’s seat was rated as “leans Republican.”
All of the seats Sabato rated are targeted seats, either by Democrats or Republicans.
You can see the full listings below:
8 Responses
The buried story here, and the one ignored by all the commenters so far: our #BrokenSystem the guarantees incumbency, stifles opposition and makes over half of all eligible to vote say “why should I?” and stay the heck home. And it is hard to justify: why should we?
Fitz is vulnerable….in a primary if he keeps the Charlie Dent/Michael Smerconish impersonation up.
Brother Brian Fitz +15
Mike Fitz +32
Scott Petri is still the tallest State Rep.
Fitzpatrick is being attacked from the right as well as the left. This shows me that he is voting with an independent mindset and is not one of the sheep in the Republican party. Also, legislation he has introduced is not in the interests of either party, but looks out for his constituents. Proud to have him as my representative.
It’s a surprise Fitzpatrick is vunerable? What has he introduced that is original? What is independent about him besides following his own agenda and not the asks of his constituents? I voted for someone I thought reflected my values….He has proven otherwise time and time again with his votes. Repubs better wake up and get a real contender in there for the primary before FlopPatrick loses the seat to a Dem.
He will be vulnerable with all the Trump nonsense. Could be beat on the right if right conservative stepped up. Could be vulnerable also with Dem wave. Watch his votes!
Fitz +15
Fitzpatrick deserves to have a primary opponent. He is weak. The time is now for a change.