Bernie Sanders appears to be keeping his promise of taking his campaign all the way to the convention.
According to Claudia Vargas of the Inquirer, the Sanders campaign plans on having a “traditional Bernie campaign rally” July 24th at FDR Park according to campaign spokesman Michael Briggs.
Bill Taylor, a Northeast Philadelphia Sanders supporter, already has the date and location locked in with the city. The rally was approved under a demonstration permit which will allow 30,000 people to attend. The campaign is now coordinating with Taylor.
Taylor is also organizing the March for Bernie which will go from City Hall to FDR Park where they will join the rally.
“We are heavily encouraging Bernie to lead that march,” Taylor said.
Taylor expects that hundreds of thousands of people will come out to support Sanders and his causes.
“We can guarantee you there will be a political revolution,” Taylor said at a recent meeting with local Sanders supporters and organizers.
The Democratic National Convention is going to be held July 25th-28th.
26 Responses
Is it true that Chuck Ardo is the troll’s RETARD kid?!?
HaHaHu aka Brett COTT Your last post was just so funny you should have been a comedian instead of a thief. I’m beginning to think who could have hired you and allowed you to steal the money you did. Did you pay taxes on that?
Ok here is my joke for the night
What is the difference between William Stauffer and Brett Cott
A. A criminal record, well going to jail and then there’s being someone’s punk ass bitch while I was in there. Also, being the pin cushion for the entire block. Wait there’s more, being prosecuted by Frank Fina, pissing my pants in court. Having my family disown me. Staying in New York because of the shame of being a thief.
Oh yeah, wearing women’s clothes and wigs. I’m sure there’s more but I gotta go.
Brett Cott. Nice reply, if anyone knows about sucking dicks it’s probably you since I hear you were the nightly entertainment on your block. I hear your family disowned you because you were the first thief to get caught and the humiliation of it all was too much for them. Nice boy you turned out to be. I’m not gonna make fun of your mom sucking or that she caught you trying on her clothes before you went to jail to see what colors looked best. By the way someone who knew you there said lime green to match the troll wig you wore although the wig kept falling off your bald head.
So the next question is did you pay any taxes on the money you stole. I doubt it but who knows maybe someone will investigate. Wouldn’t it be funny if Fina was appointed as a special Federal Prosecutor and put you in jail again. So Brett keep posting those links that’s a real intelligent response. Hey, if you’re bored go pick on some mentally challenged kids in New York.
Better not because they would kick your prison loving bitch ass. Have a good weekend.
And fools who are “Bernie or Bust” are just helping Trump and working against their own interests.
There was an interesting article that a lot of the “Bernie or Bust” people are well off enough (or think they are) to “survive” a Trump presidency and willing to screw everyone else out of spite for a false sense of morality.
Well if you must know it was well worth wIaiting in line at your house after you went to jail. Only wish the sentence was longer.
Why don’t you publish what’s in those links. I can if you want.
This question has really bothered me but since you have a bald head did that make it easier when you were in jail and has to wear all those silly wigs your cell mates made you. I heard you looked best in the green troll one and also the clown one
You know Brett you didn’t have to move to New York to escape the shame you bought on your family when you were sentenced to prison when Fina prosecuted you. We’re your friends we understood that you had an uncontrollable urge to steal from poor people.
Oh yeah Brett no answer on wether you paid taxes on the money you stole?
Lastly, please don’t publish some links and run around and say owned. The last time you were owned is when you were in jail.
@Marie: You need to go back to 6th grade civics class. You’ve missed huge chunks.
Sovereign citizens are supposed to select the candidate who offers to best support our beliefs and positions. You have it backwards on the reasons and direct of support.
DNC doesn’t allow of prohibit any candidate from running. Neither does RNC. If Mickey Mouse gets the required signatures, ol’ Mickey is in your primary, regardless what the guardians of the top secret decoder ring want.
Troll. Owned. Again.
HaHaHu aka BRETT COTT When Fina put you in jail for stealing and you begged him for a break did you really pee your pants. Plus, what adult man who wants to be taken seriously uses words like troll or clown car. Did you play with trolls in prison. What do you play with in New York? You’re have proved your bypass against mentally handicapped children in your words and actions. Does that make you feel tough?
Anyone who is a serious Democrat needs to know what sort of piece of sh-t Cott is. Look at autistic children, kids with Ashburgers, or speech defects do you want to be Brett’s buddy when he call these children Re-Ards. Calling people trolls. There is something wrong with COTT maybe it happened in prison maybe not. Re-added children now maybe you’re children next since he is also obsessed with calling people he knows nothing about child molestors almost an obsession maybe he developed these urges in jail maybe not. Get some help Brett Cott you need it as well as anyone who may support you.
Aren’t Democrats supposed to support Democrats? Is Bernie a Democrat? Why did the evil DNC allow him to run as a Democrat when he never changed his registration? I bet the DNC could kick themselves – he has turned out to be a disgusting old man with ideas that will never happen. What a shame for all!
Bungy – check out these comments made on two different articles. Note that the comments are the same but the names are different. The troll is a bigger retard than we thought:
OWNED again.
You, Spongie … Why you using all those Stauffer names now? You scared, bitch?
Uhhhh …duhduhduh … I am a RETARD. Yay.
Hey HaHU Brett Cott iits so nice to know that verified that its you. I’m hoping when the emails come out maybe there will be some from Fina talking about what a fool you are and a coward. So you cried like a baby when you were sentenced begging Fina for a break. Is it true you pissed your pants when you were put in a cell with other guys. You’re a ex con. How’s New York crybaby? Tell everyone how you bully mentally handicapped children.
Oh cool! Maybe they can also make more dank memes or #hashtag #everything. Maybe more birds will fly next to him when he is speaking and people will talk about it like it’s a gift from God.
The Revolution from the for-profit financing (ownership, really) of our public policy and revenue control is underway. The two branches of their Demopublican Republicratic party wishes we would just talk about ‘great jobs, low taxes and God bless America’. No such luck.
We see The Political Class bankrupting us economically and morally, and killing our children’s planet. We refuse to let it win quietly. Electing TheBern is our ideal, but dragging at least 1/2 of the broken political duopoly as far left as we can get it is 2016’s minimal win.
Bernie Sander said it best: ”…we intend to win every delegate that we can, so that when we go to Philadelphia in July we are going to have the votes to put together the strongest progressive agenda that any political party has ever seen. Our goal, whether we win or we do not win, is to transform the Democratic Party, to open the doors to working people, to senior citizens, to young people, in a way that does not exist today.”
In other words: we #FeelTheBern. I pledge to continue doing all I can to make our #BrokenSystem better for all.
Thank you all who voted for me.
Steve Todd
Democratic Delegate for Bernie Sanders, PA Congressional District 15
Dauphin County Democratic Committee, Derry Twp, Precinct 12
Bernie is just helping Trump at this point. Maybe he will announce that he is Trump’s running mate at this rally.
Yea, that slick Eddie Rendell…Roberta Lange…Barbara Boxer the dirty union boss impersonator…Debbie “payday lender” Wasserman Schultz, are the real class. Watching Bernie keep his cool while Hillary shrilled herself during the debates was a religious experience.
Jerry Policoff-
BTW, now that your buddy Sestak is no longer a candidate, his FB page and Twitter had ZERO updates for Memorial Day (which Joe’s has treated as a campaign opportunity for the past 10 years).
I wasn’t surprised.
Jerry Policoff-
Bernie is going to get his ass kicked in NJ and CA. Then, what is he going to cry/whine about?
I see David Diano is still a jerk. Go Bernie!!!
Auntie Goofamus of The Ozarks and Her Band Of Hillbillies – Yee Haw!
It doesn’t matter anyway, Trumpy is going to win in a landslide.
Bernie will kick Auntie Goffamus’s butt from California to Canarsie, New York. She’s done.
More proof that Bernie has no class and is hurting the Democratic party UNLESS he’s making it a Hillary rally.
Do you think Chaka Fattah will be there to rally with Bernie?
// YAWN //