For months, it looked as if the Republican National Convention in Cleveland would be a tumultuous affair.
All of a sudden, though, over the last few weeks the Democratic presidential primary has gotten increasingly heated.
Now the possibility of some chaos in Philadelphia this July doesn’t seem so far-fetched. Especially when Bernie Sanders himself is saying just that.
In an interview with Ken Thomas of the Associated Press, Sanders came off as nonchalant about an inter-party fight. While he did “condemn any and all forms of violence” he also warned the party not to ignore his supporters.
“I think if they make the right choice and open the doors to working class people and young people and create the kind of dynamism that the Democratic party needs, it’s going to be messy,” Sanders said. “Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle but that is where the Democratic party should go.”
Thomas then asked about the prospect of a messy convention in Philly.
“So what! Democracy is messy,” he stated. “Everyday my life is messy. But if you want everything to be quiet and orderly and allow, you know, just things to proceed without vigorous debate, that is not what democracy is about.”
The 2016 Democratic National Convention will take place in Philadelphia from July 25th to 28th.
9 Responses
At this point, Bernie is the number one threat by dragging down Clinton after he’s clearly lost, thus helping Trump.
Bernie has gotten and spent more than Hillary. Trump won his nomination without spending very much money at all.
Hillary’s supreme court picks are going to overturn Citizen’s United, and far better than Trump’s on every issue.
I appreciate Bernie’s goals. They are lofty and just.
But he cannot win the nomination. He needs to find another way to achieve his goals. Right now – he is just hurting Hillary and her chances of defeating the slob the Rs are going to nominate.
Team Hillary’s primary goal seems to be to seat a Democrat. Team Bernie’s is to kill the #1 threat to our democratic republic. Those two goals have diverged to the point where they no longer necessarily jive. It is a real problem which I have been trying to warn and discuss with her supporters for almost a year. No luck whatsoever. Now: here we are.
The #1 threat to our democratic republic is a corrupt campaign finance system that renders almost all candidates too highly compromised by for-profit financing to be allowed to represent many of us. Unless one of the two major party candidates addresses the #1 issue, it won’t really matter which of two friends who hang with the creme of The Political Class elite wins. Neither Clinton nor Trump significantly acknowledges it, much less address it. So the issue yields Sanders’ popularity among the very many (even if only 45% of Dem voters) who agree.
It is up to each candidate to best appeal to the most voters, not the job of someone else to not run against them. The GOP has gifted us with possibly the most unelectable General election candidate ever. It is our candidate’s to lose, not to blame on his or her opponent.
~ Steve Todd
Candidate, Democratic Delegate for Bernie Sanders, PA Congressional District 15
Bernie wants to vigorously debate what’s important in this country to all Americans like a liveable wage and a single payer healthcare system for starters. These are the points that matter. Complacency is why this country is fucked up. Our corrupt govt is run by greed mongering CEO’s, and the pharmaceutical companies, and we’re fighting amongst ourselves when we should be united and fighting for what’s fair and right. That’s what Bernie wants to debate. Over time the Democratic Party has shifted to a lighter version of the Republican side so whoever gets in office will still pander to the true powers that run this country.
Wake up and educate yourselves on what’s truly going on in America.
By the time Hillary is finished with Trump, he won’t even be able to get on the White House tour.
Bernie needs to shut up and play ball like a grown up, before he puts Trump in the White House.
What does Bernie want to “vigorously debate”? From all appearances, it sounds like #Math (which isn’t up for much debate)
When democracy runs smoothly, it isn’t democracy.
Messy?!? Is Sanders going to go without his Depends?