Rick Santorum is running for President. Again.
In fact, so many people were assuming the former PA Senator and 2012 runner-up would give it another shot that Santorum didn’t even really declare, giving the impression that his campaign never really stopped.
Instead, the candidate laid out his strategy in an interview with Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post, pointing out his advantages and identifying changes he’ll have to make from four years ago.
“I get the game,” Santorum asserted.
“Part of what I had to do last time was lay out my bona fides [on moral and social issues]” he continued. “That’s done.”
Now, the former Senator wants to pivot to economic issues.
“I don’t think I’ve met a ‘suit’ yet,” Santorum told Tumulty concerning his countrywide travels since 2012. “It’s very much heart of America, average Americans who have found a place where they see someone who will stand up and fight for them. If the Republican Party has a future — and I sometimes question if it does — it’s in middle America. It’s not in corporate America.”
With a deeper, and many have argued, better field than in 2012 it will be difficult for Santorum to break through a second time. Still he’s not deterred.
“America loves an underdog,” he said. “We’re definitely the underdog in this race.”
10 Responses
Man on dog with a bone…
This is great. “The” far right nut job running again for President. His twisted freakish smile is all that it takes to alienate people.
He is part of the reason Romney didn’t win in 2012. He loves the limelight over what’s good for the party. He could never win the presidency with his anti-everything message.
Seriously Rooster? WTF. Get over your ego.
Last election Santorum said he likes to surge from behind.
However, I don’t know what his election strategy was. 🙂
The scary thing about Santorum running for President again in 2016, is that all those Tea Partiers, Klanners & Fox News Right Wingers just love him and they will happily coordinate rallies on his behalf, go door-to-door all over the country spreading his hateful agenda, and vote for him in droves as well.
Per Art II Sec 1 of the US Constitution the President must be a Natural Born Citizen. That is define as as person that is born on US soil of 2 US citizens. Rick Santorum’s father Aldo was a citizen of Italy at the time of his birth thus he is NOT eligible to be President. The same holds true for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Gov Jindal & golfer
in chief that shreds the Constitution.
This psycho nutcase came out and actually said that he doesn’t believe in the constitution. How can he get elected to anything? More importantly who the hell would vote for him?
I will not vote for him. Also, I do not think he will capture the African American, Latino, or Women’s vote. He is not for the middle or lower class nor students
He will encounter difficulty defending his legacy of being a big-spender [per Guzzardi’s documentation]; also, in his book, he even argued for giving poor people grant-$ [on top of welfare].