Rick Santorum took the time today to distance himself from some of his old supporters.
The Duggar family were influential celebrities in conservative circles until the revelations last week about Josh Duggar.
According to a recently unearthed police report, Duggar molested five underage girls, including some of his own sisters as a teenager.
Duggar was working as Executive Director of the political arm of the Christian conservative group Family Research Council before this news broke.
Four years ago, the family supported Santorum’s campaign for the presidency. In 2008, they backed former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Huckabee created a firestorm when he categorized Duggar’s actions as “mistakes” in a Facebook post and criticized those who were “sensationalizing the story.”
Santorum was clear that he wasn’t going to so easily excuse this behavior.
“I was sickened by it, just sickened by it,” when he was asked by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in his first TV interview since declaring his candidacy.
“I pray for those girls in particular,” he continued. “To have gone through that is just hard to think about.”
Huckabee is also running for President and it is likely both candidates will battle for the evangelical vote.
5 Responses
Saw a cute picture of Josh and Rick together campaigning, of course that was then.
David Diano knows a lot about the frothy mixture.
Calling someone gay isn’t an insult.
Rick is very fixated on gays and what they do in private. He could very well be in the closet. He wouldn’t be the first GOP fireband/hypocrite on the issue. Remember Larry Craig?
Calling someone “gay” as an insult. Great example of liberal love and tolerance there, DD.
Rick was “sickened” by the molesting of girls. What would his reaction have been if they were boys?
My guess: aroused