Vintage John Brabender.
Mitt Romney’s campaign strategy has seemed like a game of whack-a-mole – whenever a prospective threat appeared, they and their associated superPAC trained fire and brought them down.
Rick Santorum wants to turn that into a liability.
Wednesday morning, his campaign unveiled a new ad titled “Rombo.” It will air in Michigan, where Santorum leads the polls despite the Romney family’s roots in the state.
The new ad, released by the Santorum camp, blasts Romney’s attack ads, “a staggering $20 million brutally attacking fellow Republicans.”
Santorum’s team pointed out that Romney’s hiding “from his big government Romneycare and his support for job killing cap-and-trade.”
The new ad warns that Romney’s attack ads will backfire and in this case, they have. A quote from USA Today that appeared at the end of the ad declared that Romney’s negative ads “could cost him voters.”
It’s par for the course for Santorum, whose media consultant John Brabender has turned out a number of such ads in the past.