Frank Scavo, PA Senate District 22 candidate voices concern and defines the typical Harrisburg insiders club pension fix as follows:
“The latest attempt at covering up the pension crisis with HB 2497 is being labeled as the “SERS & PSERS pension reform bill”. Unfortunately, the bill doesn’t provide real reform at all. Instead, it provides a way to finance the unsustainable pension system.
The Bill passed the State Senate 41 to 8.
Senator Bob Mellow of Pennsylvania’s 22ND Senatorial District voted for the bill. Typical for the big government and big spending Senator from Northeast Pa..
In contrast, I feel strongly that the State Pension system is completely unsustainable. If elected, I WILL NOT become part of the problem. I have signed a promissory with whereby if I am elected I will decline a state pension. That document is available for on-line review HERE.
If I were a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate, I would have joined with Senators Folmer, Eichelberger, and others and voted AGAINST HB 2497.
The bill is essentially a 30-year mortgage on current and future generations of Pennsylvanian’s. This ‘mortgage’ will be used to bailout the Unions as a payback for past and future financial support and donations. This is highlighted by the PSEA’s overwhelming support for the bill and their efforts to push for it’s passage (read HERE).
The Bill FAILS to move the state pension system to a 401K-style plan, which is the ONLY way to properly reform the pension system. Instead, it was amended to include the creation of a new ‘fiscal office’, which is just another layer of unnecessary bureaucracy in an already bloated legislative staff. Our legislators need to understand that we need LESS spending, LESS bureaucracy, and LESS self-service. What we need is MORE fiscal responsibility, MORE relief for taxpayers, and MORE public service.