Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania governor, Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Montgomery) said she planned to restore funding to higher education after the cuts experienced under Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration.
In a conference call with reporters Monday, Schwartz said she would make restoring funding to higher education a priority if elected governor. Schwartz, however, declined to put a hard-dollar amount to how much funding she would restore, citing the state’s fiscal environment.
“This is a real issue for schools in Pennsylvania, and a real issue for the economy in Pennsylvania,” Schwartz said. “We have to tackle this. We have to enable our students.”
In addition to restoring funding, Schwartz called for a 2-year freeze on tuition rates for schools in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and state-related schools.
Kenn Marshall, media relations manager for PASSHE said that the state system was not commenting on the gubernatorial campaigns at this point.
On the call, Schwartz introduced a plan to help graduates from Pennsylvania community colleges the opportunity to go to a state system school with aid from the state.
Schwartz did not specify how much aid the state would provide a student graduating with an associate’s degree from one of more than a dozen of the state’s community colleges, but said that the state would help the student “piece together the financial package” that it takes to go to a four-year university.
“This is a very practical way of helping these students,” Schwartz said. “It will be very beneficial for them and for the state.”
PoliticsPA is seeking comment from Corbett’s campaign.
3 Responses
no movement on minimum wage and now caving in on prevailing wage , REALLY?
“The property tax in most urban communities has reached the point of diminishing returns. It has reached in some communities the point of a capital levy, and we cannot expect that the property tax will furnish, in the 1960’s, the same income for the sustenance of the public sector that is has sustained in the 1940’s and 1950’s. I come from a city where the property tax is $103 or $104 per thousand dollars and the assessments reasonably high, and at that point I say it becomes confiscatory.” – Senator John F. Kennedy, October 29, 1960, Valley Forge Country Club.
That’s all well and good. It’s not happening unless Democrats win back control of both the state House and Senate.