It’s getting ugly in the race for the State Senate’s 26th district.
Last week, GOP nominee Tom McGarrigle released an ad focused on his efforts to save a refinery plant in 2012. The commercial featured Andrea Devenney who testified that her husband’s job was preserved through McGarrigle’s intervention.
According to John Kopp of the Delco Daily Times, though, the McGarrigle campaign is claiming that Devenney and her husband were intimidated by Paul Mullen, Business Manager of IBEW Local 654 at the direction of Democratic nominee (and Plumbers Union Local 690 Business Manager) John Kane.
“I know this is John Kane’s first campaign, but this kind of behavior is unacceptable and I will not stand by it and allow it to happen,” McGarrigle said on Monday. “Retaliation and intimidation may be the way that business is done in Philadelphia, but it is not how things work for the rest of the world.
“The facts are as follows: Andrea Devenney made an ad for the McGarrigle campaign,” McGarrigle spokeswoman Virginia Davis asserted in a statement on Tuesday. “John Kane admitted in (Tuesday’s) article he made a call during which her political involvement was mentioned in passing. A call was then made to her husband.”
“She texted McGarrigle campaign staff the following: ‘So John Kain(sp?) called paul mullin flipping out over the commercial. Steve is in serious trouble and his job may be on the line. I’m in a horrible spot….how long will that commercial run?’”
Steve Devenney denied that he had been harassed in any way, however, in a letter to the Delco Daily Times.
“I am not now, nor was I ever afraid or in jeopardy of losing my job as an electrician,” Devenney wrote. “My union hall has always been good to both my family and myself. I, at no point have felt (or currently feel) intimidated by Paul Mullen or any other member of the hall because of my wife’s political views.”
“I am free to support whom I choose as is she. The allegations made by Tom McGarrigle and his team are false,” he declared.
Mullen also denied the accusations, saying he called Devenney to secure him work. The Kane campaign said that the candidate and Mullen spoke and that Kane brought up the ad in passing but that there was no effort to stifle Andrea Devenney.
Kane’s campaign spokesman Aren Platt accused McGarrigle of making the whole incident up.
“His complete lack of integrity is exactly the type of politics that people are sick and tired of from career politicians like Tom McGarrigle,” Platt stated. “This is why John Kane is running, because it is time that our political leaders started standing up for the people they represent instead of only looking out for themselves and trying to tear everyone else down around them.”
“If her husband now says he was never intimidated then we are pleased,” Davis concluded. People will draw their own conclusions.”
Kane and McGarrigle are competing for the open seat currently represented by retiring State Sen. Ted Erickson.
14 Responses
2% John Kane getting rich fighting for the little guy.
“The Democrats nominee to fill the 26th District Senate Seat being vacated by Republican Ted Erickson is John Kane, who is business manager of Plumber’s Local #690. Kane, gritty man of the people, has a taxable income of $277,000.
Sure is sweet to be a union official. He says he is not quitting if he should win the race and will keep the $80,000 salary that comes with the seat along with the other bennies.”
READ MORE B ill Lawrence
Sorry but Kane is a Liar and rat
I love the Dems claiming ‘it’s not logical for Kane to make threats.’ When people like Ray Rice get angry, they do illogical things.
Only and idiot would think that a threat would come AFTER the damage was done.
Once the commercial aired, there is no point in making a threat as the campaign has control over the airing, not the person in it. Therefore, there is no gain by Kane or Mullen to make a threat towards the husband as they would not be able to gain anything. the commercial would air and the wife would “air” the threat as has supposedly happened.
If you believe that this actually took place then you really shouldn’t be allowed to vote because you do not possess the intellect that should be required to vote.
I believe that Kane didn’t threaten this guy – just like I believe that those journalists spoke their own thoughts right before having the knife put to their throats.
David… The use of “if” makes me skeptical of the DelCo Dems ability here, which should not shock any of us as the organizational talent is lacking.
Probably some DelCo Dem cohort said something stupid, these simpletons overreacted, and the DelCo Republicans did what they do best, beat a horse to death and twist the guts so much nobody has a clue what it was, but it looks good for them.
This sounds like Bryan Lentz’s campaign all over again. Deny deny deny what happened. Bryan slipped up and admitted the truth. John let’s have the truth.
John Kane, I mean Delco Observer. You may be entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. It’s no surprise that John Kane and Paul Mullen wrote that letter for the Devenney’s but I would guess that if Zane Memeger was looking into this case like he is with Joe Dougherty – everyone might have a different answer.
As Mr. and Mrs. Devenney stated quite clearly:
“The allegations made by Tom McGarrigle and his team are false.”
Plain old lies by McGarrigle and his Team … nothing more need be said.
So, Andrea can appear in a campaign ad for this race, and can’t even spell Kane? Doesn’t sound too swift/reliable and rather naive. My take is that she completely over-reacted to nothing, so then Steve had to publicly correct her hysterics (fueled by McGarrigle staffers, no doubt).
But, I stand by my remark that it’s inappropriate for Virginia Davis to use “IF” after Steve’s unequivocal written statement.
John Kane and Paul Mullen the Union Bosses were in fact intimidating Andreas Husband anyone can read that through the series of articles and timelines. But the clear message is they don’t think women should or be able to have a voice unless directed from their husband or a man. It’s sad John Kane doesn’t respect women. Don’t neglect or suppress women’s voices and opinions John they have rights, lives, and dignities too
‘So John Kain(sp?) called paul mullin flipping out over the commercial. Steve is in serious trouble and his job may be on the line. I’m in a horrible spot….how long will that commercial run?’”
They’re scared and now were told yet again to retract. If you don’t think his wife’s concerns were valid — you’re drinking the koolaid moron.
Virginia Davis-
““If her husband now says” ??? There is no IF. He has stated IN WRITING: “at no point have felt (or currently feel) intimidated”
So your “IF” is shows how totally full of shi*t you are and what a terrible and phony spokesperson you are. Clearly, you are afraid that your candidate is so weak that you must attempt to contradict the written record, and hope no one notices.
While I’ve felt this race to be an uphill climb for the Dems, your obvious fear to sink this low indicates you’ve seen internal numbers that have you worried.
Seems like Kane and Mullen are backpedalling on their duck boats. Hope these rats can swim.