In what was easily the most talked about State Senate race of the year, Delaware County Chairman Tom McGarrigle edged out Plumbers Local 690 Business Manager John Kane for a Republican victory.
With 96% of precincts reporting, McGarrigle defeated Kane by only four points, 52% to 48%. McGarrigle amassed a total of 44,520 votes and Kane followed closely with 40,695.
The race, which became quite heated over the course of the last month with multiple negative ads, was also an expensive one. The McGarrigle campaign raised over $2 million in 2014, while Kane’s added another $1.5 million to it’s nearly $300,000 total from 2013.
The district, located in Delaware and Chester counties, became an open seat when Edwin “Ted” Erickson, who has served SD-26 since 2001, announced his retirement in August of last year. It was considered a must-win for whichever party hoped to control the State Senate. Changing voter demographics in the district indicated it would be a close race, and both parties jumped in feet first.
Kane, who declared his candidacy last fall, ran on a platform of job-creation, stressing his blue-collar background and similarities with voters. McGarrigle distanced himself from Governor Corbett by proposing a severance tax to fund education.