Rep. Ron Miller (R-York) dropped out of the Republican primary for Senate District 28.
Miller lost by 20 points to conservative challenger Scott Wagner in the special election for the seat last week, despite being the official pick of the York County GOP. Wagner took 47.68%; 26.64% for Miller; and 25.67% for Linda Small (D).
“I don’t see the tone of the race changing a whole lot,” Miller told the York Dispatch. “It’s not good for York County, and I don’t want to see us go through it.”
This leaves Wagner to face first-time candidate Zachary Hearn in the Republican primary, and likely to face Democrat Linda Small in the general election.
This special election was triggered by the resignation of Senator Mike Waugh. Waugh announced his resignation to take a job with the Farm Show, and a special election was called to fill his seat. He had initially planned to retire and conservative activist Scott Wagner was one of the first to jump into the race.
Wagner believes the special election was rigged to disadvantage him, in favor of party pick Rep. Ron Miller (R-York). The two Republicans exchanged shots in the lead-up to the special election, with SRCC buying up television ad time to attack Wagner, who had been airing biographical ads.
“From this side it would be different,” Miller said, discussing his withdrawal. “But I believe (the Wagner-supporting group Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania PAC) would continue with it, and I’m just done with it. I have no intent of going through it again.”
4 Responses
Miller’s withdrawal was a classy act. The shameful campaign run on Miller’s behalf was not classy but it ended well.
What a shame for the the electorate of SD-28. To have someone as unfit as Wagner for at least a year and possibly more.
Rep. Miller left the field of battle showing that he did not have the belly for the fight. From the perspective of a York County political activist (even though on the other side), I think he could have won this race if he really wanted it.
Obviously, Miller does not have the heart for the kind of battle that would be necessary to win.