Sen. Ayotte on PA Swing for Romney

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)

Goodbye battleground state status, hello surrogates!

New Hampshire Senator and woman Kelly Ayotte will be in Pennsylvania for two campaign events on Tuesday. She’s leading a “Women for Romney” effort for the Republican presidential hopeful.

On Sunday, Dr. Jill Biden visited Pittsburgh for a “Women for Obama” with Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Ayotte will be at the Radisson Penn Harris in Camp Hill, Cumberland County around 11 Tuesday morning, and at the DoubleTree in King of Prussia, Montgomery County at 3pm.

Ayotte, a former state Attorney General, was elected in 2010 and is one of just a handful of congressional Republicans from the northeast. She’s a rising star in the GOP, and was even mentioned among possible vice presidential candidates for Romney.

She’s been a vocal surrogate for the Republican during a cycle when the GOP seeks to expand “women’s issues” from its traditional definition – equal pay, access to contraception, abortion rights, etc. – to the broader topic of economic well-being.

These are Tuesday’s events:

Senator Ayotte Attends Camp Hill Victory Rally

Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center
Ballroom North
1150 Camp Hill Bypass
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

Senator Ayotte Attends King of Prussia Women for Mitt Rally

Doubletree Valley Forge
301 West DeKalb Pike
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
3:00 PM EDT

Here’s Ayotte at the Republican National Convention in August:

12 Responses

  1. David, am I to understand that there is no way to purchase contraception for your own use unless it is provided by someone else? Am I confused?

    I love this slogan…
    Obama 2012: Because you have a moral duty to pay for Sandra Fluke’s sex.

  2. Mary-
    1) It’s an unnecessary and intrusive procedure for a woman seeking an abortion.
    2) As pointed out, Romney has a Harvard Law degree. As for your opposition to Lilly Ledbetter and the level of your arguments, I can see why someone would want to pay you 70-cents on the dollar compared to someone else.
    3) Title IX helps girls get on a level playing field for athletics. If you really think athletics should be cut, then how about cutting it for the boys?
    4) I guess you never heard of married women who don’t want to have children, but whose husbands won’t practice birth control? Or maybe you think all women should be virgins until they are married, and then be barefoot and pregnant?
    5) Thanks to contraception, abortion rates are down. Also, due to programs that support single mothers, abortions rates are down.

    1) Casey’s against the forced ultra-sounds
    2) Casey supports equal pay for women and voted for Ledbetter
    3) Casey support Title IX
    4) Casey is wrong on the contraception issue, and I will tell him so the next time I see him at an event.
    5) Casey doesn’t use Roe v Wade litmus for Supreme Court confirmations and voted for Obama’s nominees.

    So, 4 out of 5 beats 0 out of 5.

  3. And I would like to address number 1. Why would a doctor need to perform an ultrasound before an abortion? While I agree, an abortion should be a woman’s last choice, it is HER choice, and she shouldn’t have to endure an invasive procedure of any kind because you think she made the wrong choice.

  4. Mary:
    It would be helpful to know a candidate’s educational background in addition to his position on the issues.

  5. @Mary – I want to address your second point. Mr. Romney actually has a law degree, and went to Harvard just as Obama did. He just realized his corrupt business methods at places like Bain would help him make a lot more money compared to a lawyer…

  6. David, I can help you.
    1. My transvaginal ultra sounds were to help the doctor check on my babies. While not the most comfortable thing ever, they are no more intrusive that an OB exam, but Ican understand why you would be unsure.
    2. Not being a lawyer, like most of Congress and the President, Romney would not be automatically in favor of more ways for lawyers to earn more money, this way labeled the Lily Whatever Act.
    3. Everything in the budget needs paring, and since no one has seriously looked at the budget since Obama took office, yes, Title IX can stand some cutting.
    4. Romney would support those who have religious objections to paying for others birth control and pill induced abortions. Men, if you want to have sex and not have children, pay for it yourself.
    5. Jane Doe of Roe vs Wade would love to live long enough to see it over turned. She greatly regrets her participation in the allowing of such evil. Realistically, abortion of all kinds will probably never be outlawed, but greatly reducing them sounds like the old goal of Clinton, remember “safe, legal, rare”? I guess the Democrats attention spans ran out before they reached “rare”.

  7. Can Mr. Diano tell us how much Sen. Casey lines up with Democratic orthodoxy on all those issues?

  8. The whole concept of “women’s issues” is a very successful liberal ploy to create a permanent demographic to provide them votes. I wish most Americans would see past such non-sense and think in terms of “American issues” that affect everyone.

  9. Will Senator Ayotte be explaining
    1) the “benefits” of trans-vaginal ultra-sounds
    2) how Romney wouldn’t have signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act
    3) how Romney’s budget would affect funding for Title IX
    4) how Romney would take away coverage for contraception
    5) how Romney would pick Supreme court judges who would overturn Roe v Wade

  10. I love the reporting here- “New Hampshire Senator and woman Kelly Ayotte…”

    As if from the picture we couldn’t tell she was a woman. Thanks for the clarification.

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