Sen. Costa Endorses Sen. Stack for Lt. Gov.

Sen. Stack
Sen. Stack

Senator Mike Stack (D-Philadelphia) earned an endorsement from his colleage, Senator Jay Costa (D-Allegheny), in his bid for Lieutenant Governor.

Though from different ends of the state, Stack and Costa have worked together for more than 10 years.

“Mike Stack is best prepared to fulfill the most important duty of the Lieutenant Governor, take the helm as Governor should a vacancy occur,” Costa said.

He even went a step further and asked Democratic state committee members to endorse Stack at their winter meeting this weekend.

“I am from Western Pennsylvania and I believe geography is not, and should not be, our first consideration when choosing our candidates for statewide office,” Costa wrote in an email to committee members. “For Lieutenant Governor, we need to look first to the nominee best qualified to serve as governor. Our next considerations should be who best represents our progressive Democratic values and helps us attract the voters we need to win this election. Senator Mike Stack is that candidate.”

Stack has the backing of Rep. Bob Brady (D-Philadelphia) in addition to this smaller, Western PA endorsement, but it likely won’t be enough to earn the endorsement this weekend. State committee requires a 2/3rds vote to endorse a candidate, and with 6 candidates in the field for Lt. Gov., the chances that any candidate reaches that threshold are slim.

“For more than a decade I have stood side-by-side with Senator Costa standing up for workers’ rights, equality for all and a role for government that ensures everyone basic human dignity and opportunity. I am honored and deeply grateful to have the support of one of Pennsylvania’s most dynamic Democratic leaders”, Stack said.

Stack is running for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor against five other candidates: former Congressman Mark Critz, Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski, State Rep. Brandon Neuman, Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith and Brenda Alton.

7 Responses

  1. Senator Costa knows how to pick a winner. With 4 gubers running east of the Susquehanna and 2 top tier congressional races, turn out will be unusually high in South Eastern PA.

    Stack is the only LG candidate from the eastern provinces. With Neuman and Critz splitting the Appalachians, how does Stack lose?

    Stack also contributes to a bigger vote for Senate candidates in the east. Costa does want to win the majority and that is where seats are in play.

  2. Nyuk – Do you really think the Dem Senate leader would not support a Dem Senator who is running? Did you give any thought before you posted?

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