We’re just four weeks away from Election Day and Josh Shapiro is hoping to educate voters about his background.
His new thirty-second spot, titled “Always”, touches on his background and his plans for the future if he is elected PA’s next Attorney General.
“I’ve always taken on the status quo,” Shapiro begins. “In Harrisburg, they didn’t like it when I stopped their perks and pushed for reform.”
“As head of Pennsylvania’s third-biggest county, I cut out Wall Street middle men to protect pensions,” he continues. “Now, as Chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime, I’m leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse.”
Shapiro goes on to pledge to prosecute those who scam seniors and to keep water polluters accountable.
The Montgomery County Commissioner is running against GOP nominee and State Senator John Rafferty.
10 Responses
The status quo is that we elect unqualified Democrats who haven’t practiced law and eventually get convicted of crimes. So, based on that record, I say we elect Josh Shapiro…………..
HaHAHa—you’re right but I doubt we will ever see anyone as unqualified as Kandy Kane. Shapiro is a close second to Kane.
I’ll vote for him over Rafferty.
Is there anyone in all of Pennsylvania who actually thinks that John Rafferty has a chance to win this race? Seriously? As a lawyer, he is nearly as clueless as Shapiro. As a politician, Shapiro is a thousand times better. Montco GOP implodes with corruption led by Chris Matthew’s brother Jim and gets caught! Paving the way for Shapiro to look good no matter what. So what does the completely inept State GOP do? It nominates a candidate from Shapiro’s base in an overwhelmingly Democrat County in an overwhelmingly Democrat region. Folks, the Republican Party is dead as a statewide electoral force. It is dead for making bad choices, like Rafferty, ok, Corbett, Peters, Voit, Matthews, Ellis, Swann, Santorum, etc., that clown from Lancaster what’s his name? Doing nothing to develop state candidates, or actively killing off those that surface. Republicans may win seats where the borders are “drawn” for a while longer. But where the border is fixed at the state line? Never again. Party’s over. PA has become Philly circa 1960. In a couple decades, it will become Philly circa 2016. Thank you, Bob Asher.
Was reading the article about David Shulick being indicted in the Fattah fraud by the Feds and happened to google him. First photo that pops up is SHulick with Shapiro. Wonder if Rafferty can get that little photo op in a commercial before Election Day.
“Pennsylvania Commission on Crime”
The Commission is such a joke that Shapiro doesn’t even know what it’s called.
I love me some Josh.
OMG!! What rest-stop? I have $10 in loose change I stole from my Mom’s house!!! I love when’d Repervlican dudes suck my little cock.
Fake Pat Unger, I assume that you are an expert on gay rest-stop blowjobs, but leave my name out of it. We’re all Democrats here, so we all suck cock, but I thought we agreed not to let that cat out of the bag.
Fake Ha3 – You still working at the rest-stop giving $10 blow-jobs to truck drivers?
The status quo is that we elect unqualified Democrats who haven’t practiced law and eventually get convicted of crimes. So, based on that record, I say we elect Josh Shapiro.