Attorney General candidate Josh Shapiro released his first campaign TV ad over the weekend.
The thirty-second spot, titled “Status Quo”, focuses on the multiple endorsements Shapiro has received from prominent Pennsylvania leaders, notably Gov. Tom Wolf, former Governor Ed Rendell, and the PACs of Planned Parenthood, teachers, nurses, and law enforcement.
“I’ve always taken on the status quo,” Shapiro states in the commercial. “In Harrisburg, they didn’t like it when I stopped their perks and pushed for reform. Now I’m fighting for criminal justice reform.”
“I’m Josh Shapiro, I’ll be an Attorney General that always fights for you,” he concludes.
Shapiro will be facing Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli and Alleghany County District Attorney Stephen Zappala in the Democratic primary on April 26th.
7 Responses
PoliticsPa promotes Josh Shapiro, who has no law enforcement experience, no prosecutorial experience, no courtroom experience, no management experience and fails to point out that Josh Shapiro is another crony politician.
6 term DA John Morganelli makes some telling points. Most interesting to me were the contributions by Allen Myers who is usually a Republican contributor. He is a highway contractor. It should, also, be remembered that Josh Shapiro is a politician and not a prosecutor. He has no courtroom experience, no law enforcement experience, no managerial experience. The Attorney General’s office is a stepping stone to the Governor’s office. John Morganelli is a career prosecutor who has tried cases to verdict and managed a prosecutor’s office.
* **** ****
DA John Morganelli Slams Shapiro for Soliciting Campaign Contributions from Montgomery County Vendors
*Morganelli Says Shapiro Preaches an “integrity Agenda” but Doesn’t Practice What He Preaches
* Morganelli Calls for Audit of Shapiro’s Practices by County Controller
I am here today in Montgomery County to compare Josh Shapiro’s rhetoric to his actions and conduct. I am also here, as a first step, to ask the Montgomery County Controller to look into the relationship between campaign contributions to Commissioner Josh Shapiro from vendors who have been awarded lucrative contracts with Montgomery County. An audit is in order as first step to fully identify all county vendors who have been solicited by Josh Shapiro, and who have dumped thousands of dollars into his campaign coffers either immediately before, or immediately after Shapiro has voted on awarding county contracts to these same vendors.
In this campaign to date, and in the forums we have participated in, Josh Shapiro likes to lecture everyone about ethics and integrity. He brags about his so-called “integrity agenda ” for Pennsylvania. He says that he will adopt a gift ban that will forbid an official from accepting even a free cup of coffee so as not to be influenced with respect to his public duties. He says that even if none of the little gifts a public official may accept are intended to influence public policy, that such practices “appear suspect” and must be stopped. He says he will lead by example.
But as I have pointed out in debate after debate, Josh Shapiro does not practice what he preaches. His rhetoric does not match his conduct. He runs around with ethics and integrity on his sleeve, but where is that when it comes to his own conduct? Are the folks of Montgomery County paying attention to what is going on right here under this roof? Are they aware that Josh Shapiro wants to ban state officials from accepting a free cup of coffee, but at the same time, here in Montgomery County, Josh Shapiro has no problem at all soliciting campaign contributions from special interests who he then awards a lucrative county contract. Let’s look at the facts:
McCormick Taylor
* February 20, 2015 – $2500 contribution to Shapiro
* March 6, 2015- Shapiro votes for a $400,000 contract award to McCormick Taylor for engineering services
And another $1,000 from a principal of McCormick on March 7,2016
Matt McTish ( McTish, Kunkel Associates)
* June 18,2014- Shapiro makes the motion and votes for $1 million dollar contract for construction inspection services
* February 23, 2015- Shapiro accepts $5,000 from Matt McTish
Exelon Corporation- energy company in Chicago/subsidiary is Constellation Co.
* June 19, 2014- $2.4 million dollar contract awarded
* February 19, 2015- Shapiro accepts $5,000 contribution from Exelon
And more recently, Exelon PAC contributed another $2500 to Shapiro on March 7, 2016.
PECO Energy Co
* October 15, 2015- PECO awarded a $73,896 contract
* October 19,2015- Shapiro accepts $1,000 contribution/ he had previously received a $500 contribution on 1/19/15
Gannet Fleming- engineering services
* February 18,2015- Shapiro accepts a $1,000 contribution
* October 15,2015- Gannet awarded a $285,400 contract
Aetna Inc
* January 15,2015- Aetna awarded a $2 million dollar contract for dental services
* March 20, 2015- Shapiro accepts $2500 fro Aetna PAC
Allan Myers
Between 2012 and 2015 Shapiro accepted $30,000 in campaign contributions from the head of Allan Myers Construction Co. Myers was awarded an $11.5 million contract for highway work in Montgomery County- a contract Shapiro voted to increase by $3.4 million in August of 2014.
The aforesaid information was gathered in about an hour of time comparing campaign finance reports filed by Shapiro with Montgomery County contract awards and minutes of commissioner meetings.
Josh Shapiro is worried about a public official accepting a free cup of coffee. He says such an incidental gift “… appears suspect and we must put a stop to it.” But he doesn’t think this pattern of awarding lucrative contracts to vendors and then either right before or right after having his campaign coffers filled with cash by these vendors is a problem. Josh Shapiro needs to answer to this.
Today, I am asking Josh Shapiro to come clean. I am asking him to address this directly, not through some spokesperson or paid mouthpiece. I am asking him to disclose all of the other vendors doing business with Montgomery County that are also depositing campaign cash into his bank account. As I have said, I am also asking the Montgomery County Controller to audit this- to place a big flash light on what Josh Shapiro is doing.
Josh is great at giving lofty speeches and lecturing everyone else on ethics and integrity. Meanwhile, he has hand out to vendors who have to have his vote and support for work in Montgomery County. Josh voted on all these contracts and never once disclosed that he was in bed with these vendors– that they were giving money to him right before or right after the award of these lucrative contracts. He could have even abstained, but he didn’t. This is hypocrisy of the greatest degree. When will Josh address this?? When will the press stop promoting the Josh Shapiro fairy tale that he is some kind of boy scout. The truth is, his self described description on his FB page as a politician is accurate. He is nothing more than a typical politician. If Josh wants to adopt an “integrity agenda”, why doesn’t he start here in Montgomery County and ban campaign contributions from vendors doing business with the county? Why doesn’t he? Because the rules do not apply to Josh.
This ad is not well done. It offers little insight into his ability as the state’s top law enforcer…paints him as policy wonk who just so happens has a law degree…Can someone tell Mr. Shapiro this is not a legislative position but an executive…he sounds more like he is running for senator or congress and not for a law enforcer job. PA deserves a person with real experience running a prosecutor’s office, not Kathleen Kane lite.
Has the racist Fina resigned yet?
Why didn’t Shapiro mention Mike Vereb’s endorsement?
Rendell broke the law by covering up environmnetalandocnstruction crimes in Philadelphia for his cronies and put me in hospital andcaused like long health problems. I doubt you will fight for me. If the Status Quo is backing you, there is no way to trust you.
The status quo in PA is corruption.