Suffice it to say that Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro will not be inviting U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-10) to Shabbat dinner anytime soon.
Shapiro was speaking to reporters during a press gaggle on Tuesday morning at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago about his party’s prospects in his state in the fall.
“In the U.S. House, I think we not only have an opportunity to protect incumbents like [Reps.] Susan Wild (D-07), Matt Cartwright (D-08), Chris Deluzio (D-17), and I’m spending a lot of energy doing that, but mark my words: I think we got a chance to beat Scott Perry,” said the governor.
“This is a guy who literally went to the floor of the United States House of Representatives on January 6 after the mob that he encouraged left the floor, and he rose to his feet and lied about Pennsylvania. And said that the ballot that returned him to Congress was lawful, but the ballot that sent Joe Biden to the White House was not.
“He is absolutely, fundamentally full of shit,” he continued. “The people of Pennsylvania know that, and I’m going to do everything in my power to defeat that guy. He is not a real patriot, and he is not someone who deserves a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s offended the good people of Pennsylvania, and he’s offended me.”
Biden carried the Commonwealth by approximately 80,000 votes, while Perry defeated Democrat Shamaine Daniels by 26,000 votes.
A spokesman for Perry wasted little time in responding.
“We know Governor Shapiro is still reeling after seeing his lifelong dream of being on a presidential ticket dashed by the radical wing of his party,” said Matt Beynon. “Maybe he should mind his own house rather than slandering a decorated veteran and public servant.”
Perry, who was present at Monday’s remarks by former President Donald Trump in York, is running against former broadcast journalist Janelle Stelson in what is expected to be a competitive race in central PA’s 10th Congressional District.
“As a longtime TV journalist, I learned to mind my language,” said Stelson. “But who am I to disagree with Governor Shapiro’s judgment on this issue?”
8 Responses
Josh Shapiro continues what former Governor Wolf did to PA with the fraudulent executive orders to allow ballot stuffing, ballot drop boxes, election weeks and months (not Election “Day”), and allowing out-of-time, no addressed, no signatured election ballots. This is called election interference, election fraud, election cheating.
So, it is Governor Shapiro who is full of sh*t. He continues the election interference and election fraud from the 2020 and 2022 elections. Let’s have a “real” election where there is no election fraud, no election interference by extended voting weeks and months, drop boxes and ballot stuffing in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, and see if Shapiro still wins!!!!!!!!
Perhaps you forgot that the REPUBLICAN PA legislature passed the law that permitted mail-in-voting. Perhaps you failed to read the actual legal arguments filed in PA where Trump’s cronies were unable to point to any voter fraud. They said it to the press but then said there was no voter fraud to the Judge. And you are gullible enough to still believe it 4 years later?! WOW!! We have real elections. Fair ones. Clean ones. Riddle me this: How is Perry’s election result fair but Trump/Biden wasn’t? I’ve never heard a coherent response to that.
Utterly comical gaslighting dissembling. YOU seem to *forget* Shapiro’s *advice* to the state supreme court regarding its rulings that usurped the legislature’s sole lawmaking authority. You also seem to forget Shapiro boasting BEFORE the election in 2020 that Biden was the winner when the ballots were counted, letting the cat out of the bag about the state’s massive cheat. Meanwhile, voters like you quite literally elder-abused a publicly known dementia victim into an office you knew he couldn’t execute, while continuing the lie about the election fraud court cases that were dismissed not on merit, but on evasive rulings on *standing*.
Yet, you provide no evidence of your bullshit comment. Why? Because it’s all made up. It’s hard to take you folks seriously when you have nothing behind your bluster. We need grown ups in office, not blowhards.
Shapiro is spot on, there was no steal there was an insurrection—cut the trump bullshit!
Josh Shapiro is a failure as a governor. Why was he even considered by Camouflage Harris? In Pennsylvania, raw sewage is being allowed to drain into the Susquehanna River from several drainage ports on both sides of the river, ( and this has nothing to do with rainfall ). Some of the raw sewage is generated by Pennsylvania businesses, and some of Pennsylvania’s politicians are “covering up” for those businesses, ( probably due to past and the promise of future campaign contributions ), but there’s also effluent from municipalities within the state. It’s going on each and every day. The governor, ( Josh Shapiro ), and other state legislators know about this ongoing pollution problem, but they’re “pretending” not to know, because this hazmat situation will take millions of dollars and years to correct, ( once they decide to admit it, and get started ). It’s been said that Kamala didn’t select Josh Shapiro to be her VP because he’s Jewish. Well, that may be true, ( to a certain extent ), but rather than Shapiro being Jewish, as I said before, the politicians KNOW about this ongoing pollution, and imagine what would’ve happened, if this crisis was unveiled after Josh Shapiro was selected? Very bad for the Democrats, right? After all, the Dems put forward the Green New Deal. The Dems claim to care about the ecology. This is a public health “emergency” in Pennsylvania, but they’re all hiding it. What are the people of Pennsylvania drinking, bathing in, and brushing their teeth with? So, No. It’s this dirty secret, ( which you’ll notice, they’re still keeping a secret ), that disqualified Shapiro. It wasn’t because he’s Jewish. It’s because he’s sewage.
Governor Shapiro’s remark about Mr. Perry is accurate. He may be a decorated veteran, but after he attempted to throw my vote out in the 2020 election, he deserves no respect from me or anyone else in America. He is a phony patriot, a traitor, and a scumbag. I look forward to seeing his political career go down the treasonous toilet where it belongs.
Well said. Perry must go.