Josh Shapiro will be the next Attorney General of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
With xx% of precincts in, Shapiro has received 2,828,531 votes (51%). Republican nominee and State Senator John Rafferty is at 2,678,841 votes (49%).
This was meant to be the re-election battle for Kathleen Kane but after a lengthy battle, she was forced to resign after being found guilty on nine counts. On October 24th, Kane was given a jail sentence of 10 to 23 months.
The Montgomery County Commissioner will be the second Democrat elected to the AG office.
We’ll have updates on the final vote tallies and percentages in the near future.
16 Responses
I hope this is the end of those damn porn e-mails. The godfather and my cousin Stevie and our Mon Valley midget Billy Caye were on most of those chains so it could impede our business dealings in city hall…could be embarrassing too since we all wear the cloak of transparency. Hey! Stop looking at my pecker.
Josh has made his bed. John Doc will take you down my friend.
I’m hoping for Allyson Schwartz gets the appointment is to replace Josh Shapiro as Montgomery County Commissioner in 2017 is to have 2 women along with Valerie Arkoosh as Montgomery County Commissioners in 2017. whenever for Josh Shapiro goes to the Attorney General’s office.
Mr. Attorney General? FBI. I’m afraid you’re coming with us…
Given everything that happened in the AG’s office and the fact that Trump carried PA the Rafferty campaign (whoever that is because I’m sure there’s a room full of people saying “I had nothing to do with it”) should be ashamed. They squandered a real opportunity by barely running a campaign. The state GOP really has to do a better job at recruiting candidates.
Mike Vereb as commissioner of what? Because the new Montco commissioner has to be a Democrat since a Democrat is being replaced. Vereb is a known quantity. Known for being two-faced and completely a person not to be trusted. His days in electoral political office are over.
Well, when Josh ran for reelection as commissioner, donors seemed know for at least six months that Josh was really raising the money for AG race (while refusing to deny when asked directly). Josh waited a whole week after being sworn into his second (4 year term) to announce he was running for a 4 year AG term.
Next Gov election is 2018.
Allyson Schwartz is making a jazillion dollars lobbying she’s not ever gonna trust the Democratic machine again. Plus Democratic machine in this state is LAMER and more CORRUPT since she lost. Makes you wonder ” if she was Gov” ?
Mike Vereb supporters voted for Shapiro. Mike Vereb will be the next Commisioner.
Eric: Your comments are just a lame attempt to throw mud in the upcoming State Party Chair race…and your camp is the only team throwing mud — so much for Party unity.
Val raised $75,000 for Senator Rafferty and the Chester GOP fought hard for him on the ground.
Senator Rafferty even backed Val DiGiorgio for State Party Chairman during his concession speech last night.
You know what this means, right? Former interim AG Bruce Castor will be letting his old pal, and coalition partner Josh, know who the problem children are at OAG…and Bruce knows a lot of them. Castor might or might not want to come back (my money is on NOT), but there are a whole bunch people on his S-List he. The ones he saw gloating when the Senate GOP decided to toss out what will surely be the last Republican Attorney General PA ever has (Castor) to settle old Asher and Centre County (listening, Jake?) scores. The long knives will be out, just like they were when Bruce told Josh who to fire when they became commissioners together. Everyone who ever looked at Castor cross-eyes was dumped and, what do you know? Montco got way better. One of the happiest guys in all the Commonwealth today is Bruce Castor. The establishment GOP who has shunned him for years while losing every big race including failing to re-elect Corbett, the crew who joined with Democrat Wolf to boot Castor out and replace him with a Democrat out of pure spite (with Rafferty square on the middle of that pulling on the oar)…that establishment got it’s head handed to it, and anti-establishment Republicans are on the rise. The upper level management in the Attorney General’s Office better start updating their resumes.
Congrats to Shapiro! It’s funny to compare his results with Shady Katie’s
Who’s job will it be to explain to Shapiro what the AG’s Office actually does in court? How soon does Shapiro announce his campaign for the next higher office?
Of course Shapiro won. The Chester County Rep Chair Val DiGiorgio threw Rafferty under the bus for his friend Josh. Josh gave his Val’s wife a 150,000 job in Montco last year. Val also raised money for him. How can he stay as Rep Chair?
What do you mean you won’t put her in jail? I’m the president now. You do what I say or off to the gas chamber.
Congrats and I wasn’t expected you to win but i’m hoping for Former Congresswoman Allyson Schawartz gets his seat in the Montgomery County Commission in 2017. For Allyson Schawartz and Valerie Ashooh will be the only Democrats and the only women is to serve in Montgomery County Commission in 2017.