Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Blair) is on the offensive in his primary campaign against real estate developer Art Halvorson. Today Shuster’s campaign launched duel Twitter and Facebook accounts which they say will serve as a Art Halvorson “Fact Check”.
“Art Halvorson has spent the last few months running around the 9th District trying to distort Congressman Shuster’s record of proven conservative leadership,” Sean Joyce, Congressman Shuster’s campaign manager said today. “We intend to correct these misstatements each time candidate Halvorson makes them.”
In response to this effort and to allegations from the Shuster campaign that his opponent had distorted the congressman’s views on spending, Obamacare, and immigration, Art Halvorson pushed back.
“I would love to debate him on any one of those issues. I welcome this,” Halvorson stated. “I’m excited that they are that concerned by what I’m saying. It’s a good sign for my campaign.”
The installation of a rapid-response fact check system, as well as a mention in the Shuster campaign’s statement about the congressman’s 90% ACU rating, seems to suggest this is part of their effort to blunt the Halvorson campaign’s plan to paint Shuster as out of touch with the primary electorate.
Halvorson has attempted to run to the right of Shuster in the primary and recently appeared at the annual RedState Gathering of grassroots conservatives to drum up activist support. As a result this race was named by Politico as one of the top five primaries to watch last month.
10 Responses
Well we have a Real person running in the race. Travis Schooley is a true Conservative. Look at his web page and see that we have a third choice in the race.
UPDATE: After the page was flooded with anti-Shuster comments, they deleted everything that was said and changed the settings so that comments aren’t allowed anymore. The Shuster people are acting like the Politburo.
Adam, I agree with you but they were too stupid to turn off the ability to post on this Facebook page. It allows anyone to comment, including negative stuff about Shuster. That was my point.
Somebody’s worried.
US 9 is a R+14 district.
Madison Project: “Shuster has represented the most conservative district in Pennsylvania for 11 years, yet he is just as liberal as the members from democrat-leaning districts. In 2011, he supported all the spending bills and the debt limit increase. In the past, he has voted for cash for clunkers, credit card regulations, and TARP. As one of the top members on the Transportation Committee, Shuster is a leading proponent of the current statist federal transportation policy that wastes money on mass transit and blocks devolution of transportation authority to the states. He is a big porker and advocate for high-speed rail. He was one of the biggest supporters of No Child Left Behind until it became very unpopular. He is a true red district statist.”
and so much more….Bill Shuster is a Pro Life Statist like Rick Santorum.
Ray Zaborney has never lost an uncontested election.
If this is true, then Team Halvorson has reason to be optimistic.
Heritage is far more reliable than ACU, which is a front for Republican lobbyists David Keane and Grover Norquist and others.
Heritage Score Card 72% http://heritageactionscorecard.com/members/member/S001154
Bill Shuster voted for TARP, Cash for Clunkers and many many more porked up spending bills.
We look forward to a vigorous discussion of Bill Shuster’s record
Sorry to “fact-check” you Steve, but facebook pages can be set up to disable the ability for others to post on a page, or even comment on posts.
Typical Shuster. Attack, attack, attack the opposition so no one pays attention to his record. He never gives any reasons why we should vote for him; just dozens of fabricated reasons why we shouldn’t vote for his opponent. And he ALWAYS refuses to do live debates. This guy is a fraud, and he’s scared to death of Art Halverson.
The big problem Halvorson has is the collection of idiots he has speaking for him on Facebook and Twitter.
Not a very bright idea by the Shuster campaign or Ray Zabornie (his media guy) to use Facebook as the vehicle for this Fact Check. His opponents supports can post things right on the same page…taking shots right back at Shuster. Not well thought out…