Super PAC Ad Rips Obama on Economy (Watch Video)

Although Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has trailed President Obama in Pennsylvania ad buys, national super PACs certainly haven’t ignored the state.

And on Monday, Restore Our Future amped up their attack with a $10.5 million multi-state ad blitz.

Focusing on Romney’s superiority as a steward of the economy, the new 32-second ad blasts Obama for an exploding national debt and failed solutions to the national recession.

A new ad contrasts Obama's record as President to how Romney fared in his time as Massachusetts Governor.

“The debate this fall…Who can turn around America’s economy? Mitt Romney spent his life in the private sector, creating thousands of jobs,” the narrator says.

“Barack Obama wasted $800 billion on a failed stimulus and the jobless rate went up.”

The ad also says Romney was able to cut spending and balance budgets without raising taxes, while Obama added $5 trillion to the national debt.

The ad ends with the tagline, “Proven leadership to fix the economy: Mitt Romney.”

Restore Our Future’s latest ad will also appear in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin, and will run Aug. 21 through Aug. 27.

Charlie Spies, co-founder and treasurer of Restore Our Future, said in a press release announcing the launch of the new campaign that the super PAC was focused on the economy despite Obama’s reversion to questionable campaign tactics.

“While the Obama team continues with their widely condemned campaign of personal attacks and distortions, Restore Our Future is focusing on jobs, the national debt, and which candidate is best equipped to turn around the American economy,” Spies said.

Despite being behind in the polls overall, voters in Pennsylvania have given Romney a vote of confidence in the past few weeks.

Just two months ago, voters put their confidence in the President to run the economy, preferring him over Romney 44 percent to 38.

But the latest Franklin & Marshall College poll has since given the edge to the presumptive GOP nominee – 44 percent to 42 percent.

One Response

  1. Loved John Morgan’s line about Repubs & the economy: “They think the antidote is taking too long to work, so they want us to go back for another dose of the poison.” So true – for more unfunded tax cuts, more out-of-control military adventures, more unchecked defense spending, and more record debt…vote Republican.

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