The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Friday that a poll conducted by Susquehanna Polling & Research shows Pennsylvania may be slipping from the President’s grip.
The poll shows a slim 3-point lead for Obama over Romney, 46-43 percent. This is half the lead established by a Public Policy Polling survey released two days prior.
What was the issue that was most concerning to the voters? The hottest topic in this year’s election, of course: the economy.
Job creation and economic improvement were the No. 1 factors voters said would influence their decision, at 53 percent. Taxes, spending and budget deficits came in second at 26 percent.
While the numbers are a good sign for Romney, the Republican Presidential candidate still has some work to do.
Romney rates at 39 percent favorable to 41 percent unfavorable. Obama’s favorability ratings are narrow, but tilt in his favor at 46 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable.
However, only 45 percent of voters said Obama deserves reelection – 49 percent think someone else deserves a chance, while 5 percent are undecided. In addition, half of those polled said the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared with 29 percent who said it is headed in the right direction.
While it’s not definitive, it does not seem to bode well for the President.
But Jim Lee, president of the Susquehanna polling group, told the Tribune-Review that campaign ads may be able to break incumbent voters for the President.
Obama’s Bain Capital ads that paint Romney as responsible for those job losses did a good job at “defining Mitt Romney before (he) had a chance to do it himself,” he said.
A solid 80 percent of those polled said they had seen campaign ads from the candidates. And if these results hold up against other polls, Pennsylvanians could see ad dollars start to come back.
The poll of 800 likely voters was conducted from July 19-23. There was a 3.46 +/- percentage point margin of error.
6 Responses
Jack, you are putting words In my mouth. I never said anyone was a racist.
Romney trails by 3, but easily makes that up in the fact that most of the 5% of undecides will vote against the incumbent. All those ads Obama has run with people saying Romney cut their job haven’t been working. Maybe if those ads actually mentioned the companies these people claimed they used to work for, then the ads wouldn’t have been laughed off as bs.
I am under 30, voted for Obama last time around. It is clear he has failed. I didn’t vote for President Bush but since I go by the same standard every year I am voting Romney this year. America & PA needs a real leader with real life experience.
Philadelphia for Romney 2012
@ Bob: And I am sure he is also a racist…
Jim Lee is a republican pollster
Romney wins, Bucks, Delco, Chester, Lehigh. Rolls up MASSIVE margins in Southwest PA ,the “T ” and Erie . He will also win NE PA, although margin will not be as great as Southwest. The wave is building!!!