Thursday: Clinton to Beaver for Critz

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette captures a moment between Clinton and Critz at a 2010 rally.

The most popular Democrat in Pennsylvania will appear in Beaver to boost Mark Critz in his tough re-election battle. Former President Bill Clinton will headline a rally for the Congressman on Thursday.

Critz’s campaign says the rally will happen in the evening at the union hall of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 712.

“President Clinton’s record of creating jobs while balancing the budget is something that I try to emulate in Congress and I am honored to have him campaign for me,” Critz said.

He added that he hoped to benefit from Clinton’s reputation.

“There is no public figure as popular and respected in Western Pennsylvania as President Clinton. Having him in to campaign with me is a major boost for my campaign.”

Critz is from Johnstown and Republican challenger Keith Rothfus is from the North Hills of Allegheny County, making Beaver County the battleground of the 12th district.

Clinton has been a longtime ally to Critz and his predecessor, the late Rep. John Murtha. His endorsement in the Democratic primary in April helped to propel Critz to a victory over Rep. Jason Altmire, just as a Clinton rally in Johnstown in 2010 helped Critz to secure a special election win.

The former President is among the most popular political figures in the nation and Critz’s camp said his approval rating is in the 70s in the 12th district.

It will be Clinton’s second trip to Pa. this week; he’s appearing in Philadelphia on Monday to rally for Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

Rothfus’s campaign criticized Clinton at length, saying the former President’s advocacy for Obama has undermined his credibility.

“Unfortunately, Bill Clinton is no longer the President we remember. The Bill Clinton we remember would never have personally nominated President Obama for a second term, leaving Americans with a future of continued high unemployment and skyrocketing national debt,” said Rothfus Campaign Manager Jon Raso. “He would have never hosted the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi at his personal event, feeding into President Obama’s foreign policy of weakness.”

“Unfortunately, Bill Clinton has become just another one of President Obama’s allies, which makes it no surprise he’s coming to help Congressman Critz, who just last week affirmed his support of President Obama for a second term.  Keith Rothfus will stand up to President Obama’s agenda, and fight for the right policies that will empower our job creators and bring family-sustaining jobs back to Southwestern Pennsylvania.”

Clinton initially was slow to warm up to Obama after the latter defeated his wife in the 2008 Democratic primary. In recent weeks, particularly at the Democratic National Convention, Clinton has been a loud surrogate for the President.

The Rothfus campaign did not highlight one of the biggest gaps between Critz and Clinton: the issue of trade. Critz has repeatedly criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Clinton supported and signed into law.

13 Responses

  1. Sorry Bob but I get a little defensive when I see people like you acting belligerent about YOUR tax dollars being spent to create a national healthcare system for our country (the worlds numero uno Super-power and one of only 2 non-third-world countries on the planet without a proper healthcare system in place for its people). I didn’t want my tax dollars to go flying out of the country over into that black sink-hole that is Iraq and Afghanistan (for the last 9 years) but nobody in Washington asked me what I thought; they just did it. At least with healthcare the cause is honorable, to help people live in a more dignified way. That beats heck out of using our billions to kill people on foreign soil.

  2. Bob do you think people with per existing conditions should not have healthcare? Of course not because only a fool would. Do you think parents should be able to keep their kids on their insurance a bit longer? Of course you do it’s a good idea. Do you agree those with coverage now get free treatment in emergency rooms and that drives medical cost up? Of course you do because we all agree it is a problem. Guess what Bob? You just agreed with President Obama? Want to improve affordable care act then work to improve it but what good is repeal and replace with the same thing except to satisfy your hate? Critz is no Murtha? No kidding. He is first to say so. You live in the district and so you know best? How can you know best if you are willing to destroy aspects of law you know to be worthwhile just because you hate a man?

  3. I actually reside and vote in the district. Critz is no Murtha. Murtha focused on the district. Critz is focused on supporting the policies of Pelosi and Obama even at the cost of district jobs. Critz refuses to repeal the administration’s healthcare plan that takes over $700 billion from Medicare and raises our taxes. Critz refuses to defund the administration’s czars and their war on coal. Critz buys into a large government and a central control regardless of the cost to jobs in our district. Critz may welcome Clinton but Critz is no Clinton. In fact Critz just voted to allow Washington to gut Clinton’s welfare reforms.

  4. Seriously Rothfus had to know Clinton was coming? How can this be the planned response? Keith when you had the chance to change point men you should have bit the bullet and pulled the trigger. Now look what you have, a response that amounts to a loud na uh!

  5. I wish the Rothfus campaign would remember Keith’s work for Faith Healer Pat Robertson and tell us what keith really did at FEMA. I understand you are jealous of the BIG DOG!

  6. Gotta agree what a terrible response by the Rothfus campaign. Why talk about Clinton and the Muslim brotherhood when you could be talking about Obamacare repeal

  7. Wow, if I were Rothfus I’d fire Jon Raso immediately… “Here’s the plan, guys, let’s sling mud at Bill Clinton.”

    That’s a pink slip press release right there by Raso.

  8. Are you serious? Millionaire Wall Street Banker? This talking point is so trite and tired that it must be a Mikus disciple employing it.

    For just once, please provide some sort of evidence to support your assertion. Aside from working on some software licensing deals for a bank, is there any evidence he’s tied to the banking industry in any way???

  9. Sad testament to a Party when “the most popular Democrat” is one of only two presidents to be impeached, is a proven adulterer, and an accused rapist.

  10. The Rothfus campaign reply is tacky, untoward and cheap. Unworthy of the “Millionaire Wall Street Banker” that he and his team represents. You would have expected something better from those sophisticates. That is NOT the kind of person we want to represent us in DC. Shame on him.

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