Tim Tebow Proves Politically Divisive

TebowHe’s the most divisive man in the United States of America and he’s coming to Pennsylvania.

That’s right, Tim Tebow.

The collegiate star and outspoken Christian has always had a group of fervent supporters. Yet the fact that the attention the QB receives far outweighs his NFL resume has created just as many (or arguably more) detractors.

Tebow was drafted by the Denver Broncos, dumped in favor of Peyton Manning, then became a circus attraction as a member of the New York Jets.

He spent the past few years out of football until Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly signed him.

In their first preview of a new poll of the Keystone State, Public Policy Polling revealed there is a distinct partisan divide on the Tebow signing.

Among Eagles fans, 77% of Republicans approve of the move while just 36% of Democrats are in favor.

There aren’t many athletes who can engender such a sharp partisan reaction but it nows appears we have one in the City of Brotherly Love. At least for now.

17 Responses

  1. I love football and will be praying that Tim Tebow makes the roster and gets to play at his very best level. He deserves this opportunity. whatever happens, he is who he is , a very fine and compassionate person with integrity and a great person who lives out the christian life in word and deed.

  2. Performance will prove if T. Tebow can play in the NFL, and if he can, winning will be more important than his personal beliefs. How well does he get along in the locker room?

  3. I really don’t know if it’s his Christian beliefs that irk you versus your own religion or lack of, but I think your off the hip fabricated issue indicates a more personal opinion of Tim Tebow. Tim Tebow from my observations has never been divisive nor has he been a go to guy by the political leaders of the Republican Party. Yes, he made the mistake of endorsing Romney, but I certainly noticed in the last few years, he has not really endorsed anyone, gone to political fund-raisers, or had his picture taken with any candidate. And I’m sure the Republican politicians have asked him to do so daily. I’m a Democrat, don’t agree with all his religious views or interpretations, but I’m not going to judge the man nor am I’m going to assess whether or not he is or can be a good football player. What are your qualifications to do so? Who’s created this controversy? people like you who misuse the media for your own personal agenda.

  4. Way to go Philly and coach chip. If you look at the effort Tebow has gone to and expense to qualify as a real NFL qback, even passing the hardest coach critics, he deserves a shot at football. Look at his physical qualities, the tenacity to change, and the obvious leadership skills he’s gotten the job done before the real coaching, what will happen now. We’ve given a dog fighter, druggies by the dozen second chances: why not a proven good guy?

  5. I don’t find the article sophomoric (correct spelling) at all. He reflects the deep cultural divide between the parties right now.

  6. All I get from this article is that Pennsylvania Democrats make far better NFL talent scouts.

  7. Appears that LeSean McCoy was far more divisive than Tebow, good thing he’s gone now.

  8. Nick.There is Nothing Devisive about Tim Tebow.He Is a Very Driven Man Who is Very Passionate About Life and His Love For Football and He is a Great Example of How an Athlete Should Act.Your Comments Nick are Devisive and People Like You is Whats Wrong With America.

  9. As one who appreciates Tim Tebow I prefer to pray for him rather than argue with or ridicule those who oppose him. Tebow does not, argue with his critics but concentrates on pleasing God and his team mates. Tim concentrates on following the way of Jesus Christ,who Suffered on the Cross,Who did not argue or complain

  10. Its NOT Tebow that is being political nor divisive, its people like you. In the small number of words you manged to get in the article, a large percentage are statements like…

    (1) “He’s the most divisive man in the United States of America and he’s coming to Pennsylvania.”

    Oh, the MOST divisive man in America??? On what scale? How did you make that conclusion? In reality, he is nowhere near that outrageous claim. Its a baseless and intentionally divisive statement made by YOU in order to diminish his character, divert attention away from any of his real-life activities or actions, and simply made to inflame viewers. Its the type of statement that can only be made by a divisive bigot.

    (2) “…the attention the QB receives far outweighs his NFL resume…”

    Really, how so? The attention you just provided had ZERO to do with Tebow or football and everything to do with YOU. YOU gave him attention and YOU made it about anything but football. Again, because low-life idiots like YOU attack him in numbers, it is somehow his fault and attributable to him. You are intolerant, simple-minded, and hateful. Amazing how you can lump someone into a negative category based on the actions of yourself as evidence and then feel like you deserve free reign to assault his character.

    (3) “…then became a circus attraction as a member of the New York Jets”.

    So, its now becoming a pattern in 100% of every one of your paragraphs. How, exactly, did Tebow become a “circus attraction”? The true answer is that people like you are angry, hateful, and struggle to understand basic analytical concepts. People like YOU think they always know the answers and never really discuss anything. You are bigoted. You are intolerant. You are clearly able to trash the reputation of others as though its okay. YOU are how this became a “circus attraction”. The circus is YOU. You are a clown.

    (4) “In their first preview of a new poll of the Keystone State, Public Policy Polling revealed there is a distinct partisan divide on the Tebow signing. … Among Eagles fans, 77% of Republicans approve of the move while just 36% of Democrats are in favor.”

    Ah , in the “coup de grace” of your article, you point out 77% Republican support and 36% Democratic support of Tebow. Not only was it, again, YOU, that made this political and nothing about Tebow or his actions, it is amazing how YOU clearly leaned the whole article towards some inherent stupidly or bias with Republicans and inferred intelligent decision making with Democrats.

    Its so ironic how your statistics prove nothing but the opposite. With no evidence and no real reason to attribute such a clearly bigoted set of labels about Tebow, you have shown where the pattern of unintelligent and unwise decision-makers DO associate.

    Democrats are the very people that latch unto such stupid assertions and Democrats are the ones that so easily spread rhetoric and uninformed, baseless, inflammatory bs. Your numbers demonstrate that fact clearly

    You sir are an embarrassment to humanity. This was a horrid baseless attack and your eager willingness to be such an open jerk is highly offensive. Go hang out with your racist, bigoted, hateful, spiteful, and idiotic Democratic buddies. Then, hopefully, you will pray that Karma isn’t real as you have massive dose of payback due to you.

  11. Been watching #15 for years. Never heard a repiblican word. He is pro life and pro God. Goes to show Democrats don’t want to be reminded of God or tolerate pro choice when a mother and son choose “wrong”.

  12. Regardless of Tim Tebow’s Religious or political views which have absolutely nothing to do with his football skills along with his college stats John Moss
    He cannot compete in the NFL–just don’t have the ability for Quarterback as he was cut from numerous teams and will either be a 3rd string back -up or cut sooner than later
    as far as ConServs and libs bungy jump –Irrelevant

  13. Voted for the Bush’s 4 times and voted for Obama twice but an avid Tebow fan. Nick Field’s borders on idiocy about Tebow being the most divisive. Millions love watching Tebow who averaged more yards per carry in the NFL than any quarterback or running. Tebow threw for 9000 yds and a 100 TDS for Florida. Led the SEC in passing for 2 years with a 68% completion rate. Will be the lead quarterback for the Eagles by year’s end.

  14. What an asinine article. With all the problems in the USA you took your time to pick on Tebow? The author is truly a bigot in the worst sense of the word.

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