Upper Darby native Tina Fey is speaking out in support of Save Upper Darby Arts after being recruited by movement leaders. Fey has encouraged friends to view the Save U.D. Arts YouTube video and to sign a petition that will be presented to the governor June 6.
The school district, which is currently facing a $13 million deficit according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, will vote this summer on making significant cuts to extra-academic programs, commonly referred to as “specials.”
The Delco Times reported that by cutting independent art, music, library and gym classes from elementary education and eliminating foreign language and technology in middle schools, the district would be able to reduce the teaching staff by 60-plus members and save $4 million.
After being recruited by S.U.D.A. movement leaders, Fey sent out an email that said the following:
Hi Friends, The link below is a video about how they are cutting almost all arts and music from the elementary schools in my hometown. (Educational Realignment should be the new euphemism for crapping in your own bed.)
Other than to showcase some amazing Philly accents, I’m sending this to you in the off chance you know someone who can bring attention to this story. It’s emblematic of garbage that’s going on in a lot of states. This budget goes to vote next week, May 30, so it’s not only disgraceful, it’s time sensitive. [Note: The budget hearing meeting has actually been suspended until June.]
Sign the online petition? Tweet about it? Do a long monologue about it on a national television show? Y’all know I don’t usually forward stuff like this, so thanks. Tina
Like their superstar supporter, local members of S.U.D.A. are asking people to get involved.
In the Save the U.D. Arts YouTube video viewers are encouraged to speak out.
“We want to hear your voice. We want to hear your story. Please take 60 seconds to tell us who you are, where you’re from, and what this mission means to you. Use a webcam, a cell phone, a camcorder—whatever your method. Just tell your story.”
Viewers are also encouraged to sign the petition.
“If you believe education needs to take a higher priority in our society, please sign our petition now. The link is below. It takes less than 30 seconds to complete, it’s free, and your signature matters. Sign it. Share it. Join the fight to honor our past, celebrate our present and save our future.”
5 Responses
Friday, November 2nd. 4:42pm
Margo Davidson, seeking re-election in the 164th of PA just accepted 10K from a PRO-CHARTER SCHOOL Political Action Committee (PAC). Charter Schools in UD township would decimate the already taxed UD School District Budget. It will not only affect the ARTS in UD but the quality of Education would suffer. UD School District is a top notch system, for profit Charter Schools run by her Philadelphia political allies would decimate that outstanding reputation!! Where’s the outrage from the Save the ARts folks? Tina Fey?
Those of you complaining about teachers contracts should familiarize yourselves with those in Upper Darby where they are already some of the tightest in the state. Complaining about liberals spending money? How about we take our tax dollars back from the “For profit” charter schools that have been lining their CEO’s and our politicians (who are shareholders in them) pockets with it instead of educating children with it? That way we don’t spend more, but we spend appropriately! Schools that can exlude any child, at any time, for any reason are not entitled to our tax dollars ! So, hey people let’s educate ourselves before commenting.
The Upper Darby programs had a direct effect on my success as a high school student and the adult I became.
I hope the UD community and School Board members alike, realize how many children the programs they may be cutting truly save. I for a fact know that I was one of them.
In reference to the post by Mike, don’t take the easy way out an blame anyone with money for not giving more. Tina Fey has personally made an impact on me and my peers. More than i’m sure any of us could say for you. She is an amazing role model and should be celebrated for her talent and connection to the community that helped her become the amazing woman she is.
This is a fight about children’s programs, not about personal interests and opinions.
Let’s save UD arts!
Tina is your typical rich liberal. Help! Help! Help! We must do something!
The problem is money Ms. Fey. You’re rich. Put up or shut up. Oh wait, thats right. You can spend other peoples money, just not youre own.
Maybe she should call The outrageous teachers contracts disgraceful and go after the culprit that is really killing public education – teachers unions.
Tina is a class act who cares about the community from which she came. Good job Tina.