Toohil, Other Accuser Say House Found Claims ‘Credible’ Despite Miccarelli Claims

State Rep. Tarah Toohil and the other woman accusing state Rep. Nick Miccarelli say that the investigation by the state House found their allegations credible, despite Miccarelli’s claims.

According to the Patriot News Miccarelli’s lawyer Joseph Podraza Jr. said that the House’s investigation found the allegations false.  

“It’s false.  We’ll weigh in just like that. It’s false. There was no such determination along that line. Whoever you were hearing that from is false,” Podraza said.  

Podraza also said that the report has a confidentiality clause that would not allow him to speak further about it.  

Terry Mutchler, Toohil’s attorney, said he is wrong on both points.  

“They are putting out inaccurate information by suggesting there’s a confidentiality agreement and by suggesting that the report did not, in fact, state flatly that both of our clients are credible,” Mutchler said.  

“I honestly don’t know how someone operating in good faith could assert so strongly falsehoods about this report.”

Mutchler released a redacted version of the report from the state House.  

“Representative Toohil alleged that Representative Micarrelli [sic]was verbally and physically abusive, including kicking, pinching and verbally berating her for talking. Additionally, she recounted an incident that involved holding her against a wall of her Capitol Office by her neck. Investigative Counsel found Representative Toohil’s statements to be credible. Additionally, through the investigation, Rep. Toohil’s statements were corroborated by sources who were contemporaneously aware of the alleged incidents. Those sources deemed the information Representative Toohil shared to be credible, and Investigative Counsel found those sources and their recitation of events to be credible as well,” the report reads.  

You can read the report below obtained by the Patriot News below. 

House Investigative Findings Redacted by PennLive on Scribd

5 Responses

  1. He’s guilty as sin and a disgrace to Ridley Park, elected officials, and the state of PA… step down you obnoxious little prig… you act snobbish and condescending and show little regard for the women voters of your district step down or the voters will decide your fate!!

  2. This document literally is the textbook example of he said/she said. If there were an ounce of actual evidence, then he would already be hung out and likely in jail. What we have here is a blatant attempt to ruin a man, his family, and his career.

    At what point does common sense come in to play? The house investigative report effectively says, ” Well, The accusers friends believed her 6 years ago, so that’s good enough for us”. Really? I mean REALLY?!?!?!

    This has gone too far now. Our system is being abused, and we all seem okay with it. #TheDayDemocracyDied

    1. Yeah OK dude stop drinking the coolade…who are you a relative of his?? It’s obvious when even the Republicans are calling for his resignation that he’s guilty.. he’s a RAPIST!

  3. Surprised I don’t see comments from Republicans on here saying that Toohil and the other accuser are fabricating these stories and that pretty boy Miccarelli is just being used as a target for the #MeToo movement.

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