Toomey Delivers Victory SpeechStresses Working Together to Create Prosperity

Allentown – Senator-Elect Pat Toomey delivered the following speech tonight:
Thank you Pennsylvania!  The people of Pennsylvania have spoken and delivered us an historic victory.
Just a few minutes ago, Congressman Sestak called to concede the race and convey his congratulations.  I appreciate his call — he was very gracious.I congratulate Congressman Sestak on his spirited campaign.  He and his supporters should be commended for their vigorous efforts.  I also want to say how much I respect his many years of service to this country – both his 31 years in the Navy and his 4 years in the U.S. Congress.  He has served this country honorably and I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.
I have so many people to whom I owe a great debt of thanks.   Without them I would not be standing here today.  It is impossible for me to list all of them, but there are several whom I must tell you about tonight.
There are two people who taught me all the important things in life, who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, who made countless trips from Rhode Island to help in so many ways – Mom and Dad.  I also want to thank my brothers and sisters – MaryAnn, Jody, Mike Steve and Lynn, their families, our children Duncan, Bridget and Patrick, and the rock of support for all that I do, Kris.
I also must thank our contributors—over 72,000 people, many of whom made $10, $20, $50 contributions, often with encouraging notes. 
I want to thank our volunteers – tens of thousands of people who circulated petitions, made phone calls, and put up yard signs.
One special volunteer is our Finance Chairman Cliff Benson.
I must thank my campaign staff.  These guys were incredible.  As many of you know, this was a19-month campaign made up of countless hours, too many fast-food dinners, and some uncomfortable nights sleeping on couches.
These people are young, smart, and tremendously dedicated.  Everyone played a vital role — the communications shop, the fundraising guys, the political operation, the grassroots organizers, and back office folks, and the people who arranged my schedule and my travel across the state.
They are all superb.
Several sitting senators, following these races closely, told me that these guys were running one of the very best campaigns in America
And the guy who managed it all, the details and the big picture, did a brilliant job, and that is our campaign manager, Mark Harris.
Finally, I must thank the voters of this great Commonwealth for joining me in this movement to take our government back and for placing your faith in me to serve you in Washington.
This victory is not about me or my campaign; it is a victory for the people of Pennsylvania.  Today, we sent a simple and clear message to the establishment in Washington   We are tired of what has been going on in Washington and we want to chart a different course that will grow this economy, create jobs, reduce the debt, and create a promising and prosperous tomorrow for our kids and grandkids.
Today, we Pennsylvanians called for an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts, an end to skyrocketing spending and record debt, commonsense health care reforms instead of the government-run monstrosity, and policies that will actually create jobs in the private sector instead of just growing government.
We can have a booming recovery and the job growth that we need – we just need to remember the source of prosperity—and it isn’t ever bigger government.  We should end the threats of excessive regulations and government overreach.  We should get spending under control and put our government on a sustainable fiscal path.  And we should make the 2003 tax cuts permanent for everyone.
Tonight, a new era begins in Pennsylvania and in Washington.
It is important to note that tonight’s victory was not a partisan victory.  I could not have won with only Republican votes.  It was because of Republicans and Democrats and Independents that we are celebrating here tonight.  We are all in this together.  We are all Americans.
I will be a senator for ALL Pennsylvanians
I want to extend my hand to President Obama.  He is not our opponent – he is our President.  I am ready and willing to work constructively with him and Senator Casey and members of both parties to put this country back on the right track.
I have the greatest faith in Pennsylvania and America.  As I campaigned across this great Commonwealth, from the bustling city of Philadelphia, to the rolling farmland of Central Pennsylvania, from Pittsburgh to Pike County, from the Great Lake in Erie to the shops in downtown Easton I have seen proof of Pennsylvania and America’s perseverance. 
I have seen evidence of what I have always known – that the hardworking men and women of Pennsylvania will drive a spectacular economic recovery in this nation if our government will let us. 
As I have said so many times during this campaign, America is still the shining city on the hill.  This 21st Century can be another great American century – a century in which we Americans continue to inspire the rest of the world in our commitment to freedom; a century in which we lead the world with the strongest economy and the greatest prosperity on the planet; a century in which we continue the great American tradition of each generation turning over to our kids an even greater country.
We will do this together
Thank you for your support.
God bless Pennsylvania and God bless America.

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