Allentown, PA – Today U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner, Pat Toomey, received the endorsement of former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge at a press conference in State College.
Governor Ridge praised Toomey’s extensive experience in the private sector as a small business owner and job creator. The former governor also stressed his confidence in Pat’s ability to restore fiscal responsibility Washington.
“Voters across Pennsylvania are rallying to Pat’s vision for creating jobs and bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington,” said Governor Ridge. “I am endorsing Pat today because he is an honest, principled leader who is unafraid to stand up for what’s right. As a member of Congress Pat consistently fought for taxpayers, and in today’s economic climate, that trait is more important than ever.”
“I’m honored to have Governor Tom Ridge’s endorsement today,” said Toomey. “Governor Ridge knows very well the real problems our state and our country face – and he knows what it takes to fix them. Unlike my opponent, Congressman Joe Sestak, I and Governor Ridge believe that jobs comes from cutting taxes and reducing deficits – not from more Washington spending, a failed stimulus bill, record deficits and more government.”