Toomey Votes For ENDA

Sen. Pat Toomey
Sen. Pat Toomey

Senator Pat Toomey voted for the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) today. The bill would prohibit employers from discriminating against an employee or applicant based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Senator Toomey voted earlier in the week to end debate and proceed with the bill.

The state’s junior senator also sought an amendment to the bill that would balance the employee protection with the expressed protection of religious freedom. Toomey’s amendment was defeated 43-55. Three Republicans voted against his amendment while two Democrats voted for it. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) did not vote on the amendment.

Ultimately, ENDA passed by a 64-32 margin in the Senate. Senator Toomey was one of ten Republican Senators to vote for the bill.

“I have long believed that more legal protections are appropriate to prevent employment discrimination based on sexual orientation,” Senator Toomey said in a press statement after the vote.

“I also believe we need to strike a reasonable balance between protecting workers and protecting religious freedom. My amendment, which received bipartisan support, was a good-faith effort to modestly strengthen the bill’s protections for faith-based organizations whether they are a Catholic hospital or a Methodist elementary school.”

The Senator concluded that he hoped the House would consider his amendment if it took up the bill. Speaker John Boehner, however, has indicated that the House will not take up the bill.

7 Responses

  1. ModerateMel-

    Toomey did NOT run as a crazy conservative. That’s how he got elected by hiding the crazy or rather, extremism (I wish to distinguish Toomey from Santorum in terms of mental illness, as both arrive at conservatism from different paths)

  2. I’m glad he did. U.S. Constitution treats everyone EQUALLY. In response to commenter above, this country was NOT found on religion; it’s found on the CONSTITUTION, with its specific principle of Separation of Church and State! Someone needs to learn their civics!

  3. As someone that dreaded Toomey becoming a Senator, I have to say he is not the crazy conservative he ran as… He is much more moderate than he led on. He voted this way his first 2 years in congress as well (when he was also pro-choice). I am glad to see him back to his roots and showing some conviction.

  4. When you take religion out of a government founded on religious principles you get the corrupt socialist/communist government you are now in the process of obtaining.

  5. delco observer-

    I don’t think PoliticsPA is trying to paint Toomey as a moderate. His vote is a surprise, considering his extreme conservatism. However, he is smart enough to read the writing on the wall and know opposing workplace rights is a losing battle and doesn’t help him in PA.

    Also, it’s not like the vote was 51-49 with him being the deciding vote.

    While Toomey is certainly as conservative as Santorum, he’s not the dumb bunny that Rick is.

  6. Another in this website’s ongoing quest to paint this clown as an acceptable moderate. Could not be farther from the truth.

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