Trump To Rally in Hershey

President Donald Trump will visit Hershey on Dec. 10 for a rally at the Giant Center. 

In a release about the upcoming “Keep America Great” rally, Trump’s campaign boasted about his economic agenda for Pennsylvanians. 

“Pennsylvania is booming thanks to President Trump and jobs are coming back to the state,” the release said. “President Trump is delivering on his promises, and he looks forward to celebrating those successes with the great men and women of Pennsylvania.”

Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have each made multiple trips each in the keystone state this year to boost the administration’s agenda. Trump’s most recent visit in Pennsylvania was in late October when he provided the keynote address at the annual Shale Insight Conference in Pittsburgh, touting his administration’s record on energy policies. Just two days prior to Trump’s address was also Pence’s most recent visit in the state when he toured Schott North America Inc. in Luzerne County in an effort to boost support for the USMCA trade pact. Both Trump and Pence’s last visits in the state were billed as official White House visits, although they occasionally threw jabs during their speeches at 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls. 

The Pennsylvania Republican Party said in a statement that they welcome Trump back into the state and specifically cite the recent victory of Megan King on the Superior Court, who Trump tweeted out an endorsement of prior to the May primary, and other court houses.

“We are especially proud to welcome him after securing victories this past election by sending Megan McCarthy King to the PA Superior Court and controlling a record 54 Court Houses statewide,”said Charlie O’Neill, PAGOP Deputy Executive Director. “Pennsylvanians are excited to re-elect President Trump because he kept his promises.  We can think of no better way to wrap up 2019 and energize our base heading into the 2020 election.”

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party issued a press release saying that Trump has broken his promises to Pennsylvanians, believing that he hasn’t put working families first.

“Since he took office, President Trump has broken promise after promise and joined with Washington Republicans to harm hardworking families,” said Andres Anzola, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Deputy Communications Director. “Pennsylvanians have endured nearly three years of attacks on their health care, rising drug costs and giveaways to the wealthiest Americans. Unlike Trump, Pennsylvania Democrats put working families first — we are energized, unified, and already working around the clock to ensure he is defeated next November.”

While keeping Pennsylvania in the win column is critical to Trump’s reelection effort, multiple recent polls show Trump in a tight race in hypothetical head to head matchups with the Democratic presidential frontrunners. 

A Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll released last week shows Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by 9 points, and trailing both Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders by 5 points in a hypothetical showdown in Pennsylvania. Earlier in November, a New York Times/Siena College poll showed Trump trailing Biden by 3 points among registered voters, behind Sanders by 1 point, and tied with Warren in Pennsylvania, although all results were within the margin of error. 

This story was updated with comments from the Pennsylvania Democratic and Republican Party’s.

25 Responses

  1. You know you won the argument when they start complaining about your spelling when even a dumb libtard knows your just mocking Killary.

  2. The Russkies are coming…. The Russkies are coming. Watch for Trump to be humping a US Flag too

  3. He has played Hershey more times than Bruce Springsteen and I am sure, just like Springsteen, it is the same people who go each time.

    1. Not true, bus load of President Trump supporters from NJ are attending the RALLY… MAGA, 4 MORE YEARS, WE CAN NOT wait for President Trump to win AGAIN and dumborats to cry again!

  4. I thought that to post on here, you had to be a kindergarten graduate. Apparently, I was wrong. Deplorable.

  5. The mouth breathing troglodytes will be in full force. They will crawl out from under every rusty heap in the trail parks. The will line up in their mustard stained Budweiser t-shirts and proudly idolize a buffoon who tells them its okay to hate brown people.

    1. Yadda, of course, writes things like that without the slightest sense of irony, believing himself to be the model of tolerance and open-mindedness. Probably even has one of those yard signs that say “Hate Has No Home Here.”

    2. Several Trump supporters I know are doctors, and nothing wrong with living in a trailer. It’s a great way to save money, and leave a smaller carbon footprint(Kind of like a tiny house.

  6. President Trump is going to bring his lies directly to dumb Americans who will blame brown people and Democrats for their own failures in life. Have you ever looked at the people who attend the rallies? Talk about pathetic people. Pretty sure you have to be obese to get in.

    Instead of supporting Trump, maybe the crowds could work on getting jobs, education and being decent people?

    1. Keep believing all the lies CNNDNC or any other fake channel you watch. All the PRESIDENT TRUMP supports are beautiful, intelligent, and all around exceptional people that loves our country, USA. MAGA!

  7. Democrat-Socialist 2020 Platform & Goals:

    -Massive tax increases.

    -End all deportations of illegal aliens (if you get here, you stay.)

    -Drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

    -Voting rights for non citizens.

    -Welfare & Food Stamps for illegal aliens. (Warren)

    -Increase refugee’s from the third world.

    -Non citizens allowed to hold public office.


    -Open Borders.

    -Sanctuary Cities.

    -Decriminalize illegal entry into our country.

    -De-fund & terminate Border Patrol & ICE.

    -Disarming Americans.

    -Green new deal.

    -End of Electoral College

    -Free medicare care for all including non citizens (taxpayer funded)

    -!00% free college for all, including non citizens. (tax payer funded)


    -Susie & Bobby using the same restrooms.

    -Late term abortions up to 9 months.


    -Pay check for every person in the US even if they choose not to work.

    *Sources: Straight from the Democrat’s themselves. View their

    speeches / debates on you tube.The choice is yours.-

    1. You forgot granting incarcerated criminals, like the Boston Bomber, the ability to vote (Sanders).

    1. At the rate Obama was going, all fossil fuel jobs would be gone by now. So thank you President Trump for doing what you can and saving our jobs!

  8. President Trump has been great for Pennsylvania and has brought more jobs back to the keystone state than apparently the stupidly bumbling democrats can count! Ha ha ha.. Donald is carrying the vote in such high numbers nobody like Sanders or Biden even comes close!

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