Update: The video has been removed from YouTube, amid calls of copyright infringement from the International Olympic Committee.
Because the ad used footage from previous Olympic Games, both Democrats and Republicans were warned about using this footage for political ads.
“The IOC does not allow footage of the Olympic Games or an association with the Olympic rings to be used for political purposes, in line with the Olympic Charter,” IOC spokeswoman Sandrine Tonge said according to Yahoo! News.
Priorities USA Action released a new ad today ripping into Mitt Romney for outsourcing and his offshore bank accounts.
The ad, titled “Romney’s Gold” is airing in four states, including Pennsylvania, and precedes Romney’s visit to London to attend the Olympics.
The ad gets creative with a simulation showing Romney being introduced at the Salt Lake City Olympic ceremony. Romney is shown waving to various different countries as they emerge, and it just so happens that each country is an example of where he holds offshore accounts and outsourced jobs.
“There’s Mitt Romney, who ran the Salt Lake City Games, waving to…China. Home to a billion people. Thousands owe their jobs to Mitt Romney’s companies,” says the announcer. Next is “India, which also gained jobs thanks to Romney, an outsourcing pioneer.”
But the ad doesn’t stop there. It capitalizes on the controversy over this year’s uniforms – designed by Ralph Lauren, made in China – and jumps on the country of origin for the 2002 uniforms:
“And Burma, where Romney had the uniforms made for the 2002 games.”
The ad also mentions Romney’s Swiss bank account (“We know the Swiss have a special place in Mitt Romney’s wallet – er – heart.”) as well as a corporation in Bermuda and an account in the Cayman Islands.
“You gotta say this about Mitt Romney: He sure knows how to go for the gold. For himself.”
Romney spokesperson Kate Meriwether says that this attack is merely a distraction from Obama’s failed record.
“When Mitt Romney was working to turn around the Olympics, Barack Obama was voting ‘present’ in the Illinois State Senate,” she said.
“President Obama does not have a record to run to run on, so his liberal allies are resorting to false attacks in an effort to distract voters. President Obama’s record of broken promises and failed policies can’t match Mitt Romney’s record of creating jobs and rescuing troubled enterprises.”
This newest Priorities USA Action ad is clearly aimed at humiliating Romney close to the swell of patriotism following the Olympics. It runs parallel to the most recent Obama campaign ad where the President speaks directly to voters, which takes a more personal and positive approach and avoids the recent trend of ominous attack attack ads.
3 Responses
Creative, clever, current, and hits some major weak points. This looks like a pretty solid ad.
Romney’s spokesperson’s comments are merely a distraction from Gov. Romney’s inability to be open and transparent about his financial interests and history.
Do they run these ads through focus groups? This ad is a complete piece of crap. Seriously, who gets paid to come up with this garbage.
This seems like a stupid ad. There’s so much going on visually that it is really hard to focus on the message.
Good way of knowing Obama’s team didn’t coordinate on this is that the ad kind of sucks.