Centre County native Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-5) attended President Barack Obama’s speech at Penn State yesterday and said he was glad that President Barack Obama chose State College to unveil his ‘Better Building Initiative.’
“I’m honored that the President chose to come here. I appreciate the fact that he’s talking about energy. I think that he’s on the right track in terms of energy efficiency,” Thompson said. “I intend to stay engaged, because I also believe he’s not on the right track when it comes to policies limiting and preventing the development of domestic energy.”
Thompson disagrees with the President on a number of issues, including federal subsidies for some alternative energies. But Thompson agreed with Obama that building efficiency was worth the investment. “It’s a relatively small investment, relative to other spending” said Thompson, “that reduces the energy cost for every American through their homes and their businesses. A lot of winners.”
“The President always does well with his speeches,” Thompson said
Over last weekend, PoliticsPA contrasted Thompson’s reaction to Obama’s visit with that of the PA GOP. Thompson’s civility in welcoming the President also earned him an “Up” this week.
Watch the entire video below: