Secretary of State Carol Aichele yesterday announced improvements to the state’s VotesPA.com website, designed to disseminate information about the new law and its requirements.
In conjunction, the state has begun outreach through Facebook and Twitter accounts.
VotesPA.com was originally designed to help first-time voters by providing registration information, locations of polling places and an election schedule.
It will continue to offer such information, according to a press release.
But the website is now also serving another function: to inform voters about what types of IDs comply with the state’s law, as well as how to obtain such IDs. Information is available in English and Spanish.
Voters can also get information by “liking” the Facebook page and following @VotesPA on Twitter.
“We are using the VotesPA website and social media as tools to make Pennsylvania voters aware of the new voter ID law,” said Aichele, in a press release.
“We want to make sure voters understand what IDs are acceptable for voting, and help those who don’t have such IDs obtain the identification they need this fall. I believe social media will be especially helpful in reaching younger voters.”
Younger voters – and students in particular – are said to be one of the main groups impacted by this law along with senior citizens, the poor and minorities.
The website, Facebook and Twitter account additions came on the heels of a Post-Gazette story posted yesterday on their Early Returns blog. Tim McNulty reported that college journalism students across the country participated in an analysis of over 2,000 cases of election fraud and found it to be “virtually nonexistent.”
Romney-Ryan has dominated the news for days, but with Judge Simpson due to rule this week the conversation in the Commonwealth is bound to change.
3 Responses
Washington Post Poll: Nearly 75% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws
Enough Said???? To drink beer, drive, smoke, rent a hotel room, get checks or a debit card, get into any govt building, get approval for a car, travel overseas, get a library card AND SO ON….U NEED I.D. Even to get in Eric Holders office you need an I.D. (yes the guy that sues that states saying voter id is voter surpression you still need I.D. to see him) Oh the irony from the liberals……
Once again ENOUGH SAID???
Oh yeah. That gussied website and ‘Net presence is SURE to get through to those low-income voters (who can’t afford internet access) and senior citizens (who don’t use the internet AT ALL). So what’s next from the geniuses? Drive-through voter ID windows for those without driver’s licenses? This is what you get when you hire a bunch of Suburban Republican white folks to publicize a scam policy. Pretty much guaranteed to fail – but that’s what Corbett, Aichele, Turd’s-Eye, and Karl Rove wanted, right?
What a joke!!
I wonder if Aichele has read the site and finally knows what the law days?
Gee, if only she had that site before she took the stand. 🙂