VoteVets Backs Trivedi

Progressive veterans’ advocacy group VoteVets has endorsed Manan Trivedi, the Democrat running against Rep. Jim Gerlach. Trivedi served as a combat surgeon in Iraq, and the group has a noteworthy bankroll.

“Manan is a really remarkable man, with a great story and incredible experience,” said Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and Chairman of VoteVets. “Manan’s experience in public policy, community service, and experience in war make him just the kind of person we need in Congress.  I know that his non-stop dedication to the people of his district will make him an exemplary Congressman, as well.”

The group packs a punch. In addition to $10K checks to candidates committees (including Chris Carney and Joe Sestak), they spent over $1.25 million in PA in 2010. The bulk of it – $637K – was against Pat Toomey. Another $445K went against Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick. Nationally, the group spent about $3.2 million last cycle.

If the group doubles down on Trivedi (or Gerlach) to the same extent, it would change the race.

Trivedi is high among Democratic prospects in the Keystone State; he’s one of just two “red to blue” candidates, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s list of top challengers. He’s had success with fundraising so far, with $355K on hand. Gerlach has $688K.

Gerlach also has the benefit of being an escape artist. He’s won race after race in his lean-Dem suburban Philadelphia district – and that was before redistricting made the 6th more favorable for Republicans. This year, the PA-6 race is a rematch: Gerlach bested Trivedi 5 percent to 43 percent in 2010.

Here’s Trivedi’s bio, from the VoteVets release:

From 2001 to 2003, Trivedi served as the battalion surgeon for the 1st Battalion, 5th Regiment Marine Corps Infantry Battalion. His battalion was among the first U.S. ground forces to enter Iraq. Manan served on the front lines of battle, commanding a medical team that cared for over 1,200 of our troops and hundreds of Iraqi civilians. For his service, he earned the Combat Action Ribbon, the Navy Commendation Medal, and his unit was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

But that’s not where his dedication to service started.  It actually began at a very early age. As a young boy, Trivedi won a national contest for launching a healthy eating initiative. In college, he received a community service award for his work with HIV/AIDS patients. As a physician, he has treated the poor and uninsured in the inner city.

After his service in Iraq, Trivedi received a Master’s degree in health policy. He drew on his experience with combat medicine to become one of the early researchers to investigate the unique mental health issues affecting our troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. He went on to serve as health policy advisor to the Navy Surgeon General and was an assistant professor of medicine at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences.

6 Responses

  1. Obama also will not win CD 6 this year. He will probably lose it by 6 to 8. Still, he is the favorite to win PA but by a much smaller margin than in 08.

  2. This is a radical, far left group that holds zero influence in my CD. I am new to 6 with the new map. I was in 7.

    Gerlach wins in a walk. Without the new map, I would have Trivedi about 5 points closer than in 10. With the new map, he could gain a point or 2 at best. He is wasting his time and other’s money. That is his right though.

  3. Obama won the last district by 18 points, and Gerlach blew out Trivedi two years later, with the “vaunted” votevets endorsement. if obama only won the new district by 6 points, then yes, logic suggests the district got more Republican.

  4. more Republican district? no way… Obama won the new 6th District by 7 points four years ago and Casey won it by 12 points six years ago… Trivedi has a real shot here with the support of groups like VoteVet!

  5. Why is this news? its a democrat group backing a democrat. on top of that, trivedi lost by what, 14 points two years ago? now the district is even more republican.

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