Wagner Shows “Helpful” Side in New Video

Gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner’s campaign launched a new ad Monday showcasing his desire to help Philadelphia — an area he said has been neglected under Gov. Tom Wolf.

In the new digital ad, titled “How Can I Help You?” Wagner says there’s a chance for politicians to “do something different” to fix some of the state’s problems.

He points to Philadelphia schools, where some older buildings have paint peeling off the walls that ends up falling onto children’s desks for them to accidentally ingest.

“They’re eating the paint flakes,” he says. “Meanwhile, 10 miles from here — in another county — they’re building a $150 million complex. But the complex is so grand, that when you walk inside, you need a special lift to change lightbulbs. … What’s wrong with this picture?”

Wagner accuses the governor of standing by “as the Philadelphia school system has fallen apart.”

Wagner said he will be the first governor “in generations” to prioritize Philadelphia. Earlier this month, he threatened to mow the grass at Malcolm X Park if officials didn’t send someone out to better maintain the grounds.

“Year after year, the people of Philadelphia have gone to the polls only to vote for higher taxes, inferior educational opportunities and more poverty,” said campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo. “Scott’s candidacy is about reaching out to the forgotten people of Philadelphia, and all Pennsylvanians who have been left behind, and making the case that they deserve better than the status quo.”

Wolf spokeswoman Beth Melena said Wagner is the last person looking out for the interests of Philadelphians, and especially not its schools.

“Wagner supported the Harrisburg Republican billion-dollar cut to education that devastated Philadelphia schools and led to massive layoffs, program cuts and forced Philadelphia schools to the brink of not being able to open on time, and being forced to cut transportation and security,” she said.

Melena said Wagner has consistently voted against restoring education funding and has opposed school safety programs.

13 Responses

  1. What a crook. I am forced to pay money to this clown because our local township contracts with his junk business in an unethical business practice. Just another politician using his position to fill his pockets. He belongs in jail.

  2. Wow, such a great ad trying to show Scott’s a great guy who cares about Philly public schools. Notice he didn’t mention how he’d pay to fix the problems. It’s a joke that you’d create this ad but fail to talk about what you would do other than “care” to fix the issue. Especially when Scotty boy has a track record of trashing the City of Philadelphia and says they don’t need any more education funding.

  3. Wagner is such a clown. I’m surprised he didn’t pose for a photo with his foot propped up on a black person like he did with the lawn mower. What a buffoon.

  4. One of the great positives if Wolf’s numbers hold for the November election will be that Wagner will be gone from Harrisburg. Now if we can just dispatch Darryl Metcalfe too, things would really be looking up.

  5. Wagner is tanking. His poll numbers are behind Lou Barletta’s who is more controversial and he is 19 points down as July arrives. The paid media advisers will make their ads and the partisans will howl about polling samples while time marches towards the inevitable conclusion. Which is Wolf by 10 points this November 6th.

  6. LOL @ Wagner interacting with the black community. Like watching a deer in headlights.

  7. Democrats remain convinced that the only way to “help” a place like Philadelphia is through

    The response by Wolf’s people showcases this. “Wagner opposes our throwing money at the problem!” Yes, look at how successful public education is in Philadelphia – where’s the evidence for that, Wolf? Michigan and Detroit Democrats have been spending and spending, and accomplishing nothing, for decades. Same thing in Maryland with Baltimore.

    Democrats are closeted racists who don’t believe in local management of problems. They believe they can run Philadelphia from their halls of power in Harrisburg. The old-school machine Democrats in Philly agree, because the state and federal funding cart supports their careers. The new-school SJW Philly Democrats are more likely to accept private and small-neighborhood level solutions, but they will probably vote for Wolf anyway, because voting for a Republican – even one friendly to LGBTQ like Wagner – is the mark of the best to them.

    Wagner offers a chance for Philadelphia to govern itself. But the lazy option – of anti-freedom Democratic politics – will continue onward, as the white suburban liberal counties continue to suck energy from minority Philly.

    1. We found the Wagner staffer. If you actually cared about Philadelphia, you would know that they send more money to Harrisburg than they get back. This is just cynical Trumpian politics and projection as usual “What do you have to lose? I’ll be the best on blacks, on LGBT” and then we see it in action. Keep accusing the Dems of racism to hide your own.

      Wagner said it himself, he was Trump before Trump. Trump is a grifter who promised to help black people and protect LGBT rights, but then we saw what happened when he got into office.

    2. Wow. So what you’re saying that Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney and the City Council are . . . what . . . not doing any governing or that they’re a puppet government? But that the State Senators and State House Reps who serve Philadelphia are somehow really running the show in Harrisburg (despite being in the minority party in PA)? Or are you intimating that Tom Wolf super secretly governs Philadelphia? And that despite a whole lot of people serving in Philadelphia’s government are people of color, they’re closeted racists?

      It may be time adjust that tinfoil hat.

  8. You can help by throwing yourself in the back of one of your garbage trucks.

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