Scott Wallace has won the Democratic primary for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional district.
Wallace took 56% of the vote against his competitors, former Naval officer Rachel Reddick and former Intergovernmental relations officer Steve Bacher have 35.8%, and 8.2%, respectively.
Wallace is known for working as counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans affairs.
He will face Republican Brian Fitzpatrick this fall. Fitzpatrick notched his own primary win, beating conservative challenger Dean Malik, with 67.4% of the vote. Malik, a former prosecutor, had criticized Fitzpatrick for being insufficiently pro-Trump.
15 Responses
Great to see a Progressive Democrat win the nomination for CD 1. Scott Wallace will make a fine Congressman. Bucks County will rise up against Trump fascism in November.
Fitzpatrick has to be doing an Irish jig after Scott Wallace won the Democratic nomination. Wallace may even be left of Pelosi. Not even Hillary supporters can back this guy with his anti-Israel financing and his being a 1 percenter. Not even Jesus could vote for him.
What democrat will support a 1 percenter who lives in the Socialist State of Maryland to represent them here in Bucks County. Wallace is not one of us, doesn’t know us or the issues that affect us every day.
When I win in November, everyone’s financial assets will become part of the collective.
wah wah wah and u support trump the yellow bellied draft dodging coward….maybe trump will hire u to buy melania the porn star strength tic tacs
Six and a half more years with President Trump and you are already tired of winning?
I’m pooptacular!
Congrats to me and I might support me for this November is to get me back into the majority for the 116th congress next year
Not I won’t because I only support incumbents.
Fitzpatrick by 7
Wallace is a socialist and a terrible candidate. Even his grandfather wouldn’t vote for him. His campaign team is so bad that they put out a google ad today asking voters to “Vote for Wallae”. He is a total joke. Fitzpatrick will push him to the side just like FDR did to Henry.
fitzpatrick carries trumps jock…and he sniffs it, too, perhaps to get a wiff of stormy
1. This is creepy as shit. 2. Who in god’s name taught you how to use comas. 3. Fitz is the like 3rd most bipartisan Congressman in the country lol. If this is Scott Wallace don’t waste your inheritance. Use that silver spoon for your oatmeal, you won’t make it to Congress.
commas* (damn it)
congrats scott and I might support you for this November is to get the democrats back into the majority for the 116th congress next year.