Who are Harrisburg’s Smartest Staffers?

Elected officials are great, but some of the most influential figures in the Capitol are the people who work for them. From writing laws to making sure they get passed, staffers shape the state.

PoliticsPA wants to know who you think are the smartest, most effective staffers in the Capitol.

Whether he or she works for leadership, a committee, or an individual member, we want to know who you think is the best of the best.

Submit your nominations directly to Sy Snyder. Please include the staffer’s full name, title, and office where they work.

All submissions are anonymous, but please include your own background so we can weigh them accordingly. Nominations are due by Friday, November 18 at 5pm.

4 Responses

  1. I nominate Randy Albright whose in depth knowledge of both budget issues and the politics of the budget make him a veritable sage on the issue.Moreover, he shares his budget wisdom with simplicity and a wry sense of humor

  2. Matt Campion: John Pippy’s chief of staff, is an effective, no-nonsense staffer.
    AS I’m occasionally at odds with Pippy, last weeks meeting had the Senator prepared, was blessedly brief and got to the point in record time.

    That’s what I see of Matt in several environments.
    Yes, I am a Pippy constituent.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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