Who Is On The Ballot In 2024?

Official 2022 GE Ballot

As the deadline has passed on nomination petition signing season, here is a list of who has completed the task and is on the ballot for the 2024 primary on April 23.

This list was updated on Tuesday, February 13, at 8:18 p.m. Signatures on nominations petitions may still be challenged.

Information compiled from the Pennsylvania Department of State.

Deadline for Submitting Nomination Petitions

bold indicates incumbent has filed nomination petitions with DOS.
* indicates incumbent is not standing for re-election

3 Responses

  1. As a Republican since 1972, student of American history, US PRESIDENTS, I contend there was never a worse President nor candidate than D. Trump. Yes, some of his policies were so good the Democrats adopted them, but for-me one of the 4 areas of Presidential rating is leadership, taking the country where it needs to go, even if the citizenry is not recognizing that. With Trump the”spirit iswilling but the flesh is weak”, ie. his ideas, messages have merit, the messenger is not able to deliver.
    The Democrats are the party of slavery, secession, segregation, spending , now socialism. Republican leaders, candidates, office holders must represent our core values and leave extremism to the Democrats.

    D’Anthony Kennedy, Allegheny Avenue Pittsburgh 15239

    1. You said that you’re a “student of American history, US PRESIDENTS”! How is it that you failed to note that the current D & R parties have flipped since the 1960s? Presidents JFK & Johnson, along w/their administrations, House & Senate began the flip the parties ideologies! It was the Democrates that fought for Desegregation & Black Civil & Equal Rights, not the Republicans! The Republicans fought for continued segregation! It was white republicans that were spitting on black Americans while they sat at a dinners counter! It was elected Republican governors & officials that ordered the hosing of Black Rights Protesters & to stop the Infamous Bridge Crossing & refusing to allow Black Students to enter their college! During the Civil War the South was D and the North was R! Now they are flipped, as too… the Parties Ideologies!

  2. Our election laws and ballot access rules are written of, by and for the establishment politicians of both major parties and to protect incumbents at any cost. They are definitely NOT of, by and for the people. They are written in an attempt to keep any non-establishment candidates off the ballot. So LITTLE time to gather so MANY signatures on a petition. Such complicated rules for signing a petition that many people don’t understand and write their address wrong. You can’t even run for statewide office unless you have an army of volunteers that understand these complicated rules helping you. All the party establishment candidates have an army of blind party loyalists helping them. Unless you’re an independently wealthy millionaire, you probably can’t match that. And yet these establishment candidates ALWAYS run claiming to “represent the people.” If you truly represent the people, SIMPLIFY THE BALLOT ACCESS RULES so that the people can participate in the (un)democratic process! Give us a LONGER, MORE REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME to gather signatures on a petition. Move the primary to September (except for president, have that one separately and sooner in presidential election years) so that we can circulate our petitions in NICE WEATHER MONTHS like April, May and June and be able to campaign in those months as well. Allow signers to put their MAILING ADDRESS on the petition instead of their MUNICIPAL ADDRESS because that’s what most people are used to writing when they write their address. But you’d never do that, establishment politicians, would you? Because that wouldn’t benefit you! Then the people might run against you. And you can’t have that! 😠 😡

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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