Will Lentz be a Rubber Stamp for Pelosi Tax Hike?
DREXEL HILL, PA – On Wednesday, 31 House Democrats, including Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA), signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging them to “consider legislation to extend all of the income tax cuts” due to expire at the end of this year, including the tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 per year.
“31 House Democrats realize what Bryan Lentz apparently does not: that now is exactly the wrong time to raise taxes on anyone,” said Bryan Kendro, Meehan for Congress Campaign Manager. “As the Democrats’ letter points out, ‘one third of high-income taxpayers are small business owners, our nation’s job creators and the backbone of our economic recovery.’ Raising taxes in a recession will only further stifle job creation in an already-difficult economic environment.”
“Voters deserve to know if Bryan Lentz will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and call for an extension of the 2001 tax cuts, or will he continue to be a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s tax-and-spend policies?”
In recent weeks, Bryan Lentz has wavered on his opposition to extending the tax cuts. Depending on who asks him, he often gives a different answer in an attempt to please that particular audience.
– During the 2nd debate between the 7th District candidates, Bryan Lentz said “tax cuts should be extended for the middle class, but he does not want to bring them back for citizens who make in excess of $250,000 a year” (Danielle Lynch, “Lentz, Meehan battle over ‘failed policies'”, The Delaware County Times, 8/27/10)
– But after Labor Day, Lentz retreats when confronted by a voter: “Lentz, who is a member of the state legislature, didn’t commit to [lowering taxes]–and was forthright in favor of resuming the Clinton tax rates on those earning more than $250,000. ‘80% of those people are millionaires,’ he said…then he backtracked a bit in response to the plant manager’s frown: ‘I know some families with dual incomes may reach above $250,000 and I’d be open to seeing if we could raise that number a bit, or phase the tax in.’ (Joe Klein, “Election Road Trip, Day 2: Rowing and Shooting,” TIME Magazine, 9/8/10)
– Then, earlier this week, Lentz again changes his position. MarketWatch reports that “he doesn’t support extending them for the wealthiest Americans unless spending cuts are made elsewhere” (Robert Schroeder, “Fiscal fight colors tight Pa. House race”, MarketWatch, 9/16/10)
“Will Bryan Lentz just be a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi or will he join 31 Democrats in recognizing the benefit of extending these tax cuts to all Americans?” Kendro concluded.