Businessman and gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf unveiled a plan to reform the operations of the state government.
“It is time to clean up Harrisburg, and these two simple, commonsense measures are a good start,” said Wolf. “Pennsylvanians need to trust that their government is doing the right things for the right reasons, and with politicians accepting gifts from donors and special interests and the governor’s office assigning no bid legal contracts, the public’s trust in government has been shaken.” As Revenue Secretary, I turned down the perks. I drove my own Jeep – not a state car. I donated my salary to charity and I paid for my own travel. I did what was right for the people of Pennsylvania and that is what I will do as governor.”
Wolf’s plan has two initiatives: ban no bid contracts for state work and limit the gifts given to public officials.
He intends to Tom introduce legislation setting stricter limits and reporting requirements for all state employees and elected officials banning any “gifts” over $25 in value. Recipients of gifts of $25 or less will be required to submit a report of the name, address and employer of the donor.
Accepting gifts above the $25 threshold or failing to report gifts received would be punishable by a civil fine that can be deducted from the paycheck of an elected official or civil servant.
The second prong of the plan makes state contracts much more competitive.
Under a Wolf administration, before any contract is issued to private law firms, the Office of General Counsel will be required to issue written justification that the need for this support is both cost-effective and in the public’s best interest. This written justification must include evidence that the Office does not have the legal or financial resources to pursue action on its own, a detailed explanation of the time and labor that will be required, and a description of the specific professional expertise needed.
Once this written justification is approved, a request for proposals will be issued and a competitive bidding process will ensue. The competitive bidding process will take into account such factors as an applicant’s: Potential conflicts of interest and political donations; Cost, fees, and expenses; Skills, expertise, and professional conduct; Peer ratings; Willingness to enter into alternative billing arrangements; and Compliance with Pennsylvania laws and regulations.
Wolf believes these two changes will improve the oft-decried pay-to-play culture of Harrisburg.
Also running for the Democratic nomination for governor are Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Montgomery), State Treasurer Rob McCord, Former DEP Secretaries Katie McGinty and John Hanger, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz and minister Max Myers.
2 Responses
I agree this guy is not very exciting at all besides that pa has never elected a governor with a beard.