Governor Tom Wolf announced this afternoon that he will let the state budget spending bill that was passed June 30th become law without his signature.
“I am going to let this general appropriations bill become law without my signature in the hope that we can continue to work together on a sustainable budget solution that sets Pennsylvania on the right path,” Wolf said in a press release announcing the decision.
This is the second year in a row Wolf has decided to allow the budget to become law without his signature.
Wolf pointed to recent threats from creditors that Pennsylvnaia’s credit rating would be downgraded if the budget fills gaps in funding with loans.
“Just last week, we received a warning that if we did not do the hard work to balance our budget, Pennsylvania’s credit would be downgraded. This independent call to action made it clear we must avoid gimmicks to protect from a downgrade, as we have been able to do since I took office,” Wolf continued.
5 Responses
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So, Mango will bring “fiscal sanity” by signing insane GOP budgets that aren’t paid for?
Mango nailed it.
Paul Mango said: “We might as well move Groundhog Day from February to July because Tom Wolf’s Harrisburg is seeing its shadow again! For a third straight year the Governor hasn’t signed a budget. Pennsylvanians understand that Tom Wolf is hiding under his desk to avoid responsibility for our budget debacle by simply letting this sham become law without his signature. Not exactly a profile in courage if you ask me! This isn’t leadership, it’s irresponsibility and recklessness, and it needs to stop. The buck stops at the Governor’s desk and as our Commonwealth’s next Governor I will be committed to bringing economic growth back to the Commonwealth, fiscal sanity back to Harrisburg, working with our legislators to make sure taxpayers are protected, and reigning in the bloated state government.”
So borrow and spend is preferable to tax and spend? Talk abut kicking the can down the road. Dave Reed’s comments blaming the Gov. about not balancing the budget have been ludicrous.
It’s still asinine to pass a spending bill without a matching revenue bill. It’s even more asinine for the GOP to keep refusing to raise taxes, starting with the top incomes, to pay for it (especially frackers)